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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjecthaven't seen a fight shift that dramatically in a while....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2136102&mesg_id=2136391
2136391, haven't seen a fight shift that dramatically in a while....
Posted by Vex_id, Sat Feb-23-13 12:20 PM
Holt was bouncy, in a nice a rhythm, and boxing very effective
in rounds 1-3....then as you noted, he got caught - and Peterson
smelled blood and his entire demeanor changed from unsure tactician
to stalk-forward predator. I went from thinking Peterson was
post-PED deflated to thinking he was showing shades of his effective
slugging in the Khan fight. Wild fight. Holt is now effectively shot.

Bring on Peterson-Matthysse


The planets are the chakras -
they are the organs. The organs
must play Harmonic again in the
Orchestra of the Organic Organism.

(c) Innerstanding


#TruSparta x #Innerstanding