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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYour response is extremely infantile
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2725032&mesg_id=2726020
2726020, Your response is extremely infantile
Posted by allStah, Sun Nov-22-20 11:07 AM
And knee jerk, just looking to attack. Defensive. Go to espn with Max and screaming Steven for that.

Anyone, I never said that creative players don’t exist in La Liga. I said why do
creative players suck when they go to La Liga if they don’t change their game,
or adapt. And I used Ronaldo and Fabregas as positive and negative examples.

And I clearly gave examples as to what I was referring to. I used Messi as an example as well, where his creative ability is more direct.

That was my point. Creative players like Fab, Coutinho, Hazard,etc who have more of a build up when they play, requiring a lot of time on the ball to really get going, seem to struggle based on how teams play in La Liga.

Also, I think there is a difference between being TECHNICAL, DIRECT ,and CREATIVE. There are players like Ronaldo and Messi who can adapt , and be all the above based on what is needed. But then there are players who are just straight creative and are unable to be more direct.

Even the original Ronaldo was more direct, where he would get the ball and just dribble straight ahead at players,not really needing a lot of build up. When he got fat and slowed down, he no longer had that fast, direct ability to go for goal, and his game suffered.

So if you want to chime in without trying to degrade and belittle someone, do so. If not, just keep it moving. You don’t have to agree or disagree.....