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Topic subjectPrivate equity is strangling Deadspin to death this week
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2706167&mesg_id=2706167
2706167, Private equity is strangling Deadspin to death this week
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Oct-31-19 11:18 AM
Really sucks to lose yet another interesting, unique, and mostly progressive media outlet. Something that was especially rare in the sports world.

Long story short:

1. Deadspin and the other ex-Gawker sites were bought by a private equity firm

2. This week the multimillionaire CEO issued a now-infamous memo where he told the writers and editors to "stick to sports"

3. Editors immediately responded by posting some of what built Deadspin such a strong audience: funny, non-sports related articles

4. In response, executives fire Barry Petchesky, a managing editor and someone who's been with Deadspin from the beginning, double down on the decree, and then disable commenting across the site because too many commenters were supporting the workers

5. Yesterday and today editors and writers started resigning en mass, including Drew Magary and their other best-known writers.


- Yet another media outlet killed by private equity. This is an especially impressive kill considering that Deadspin WAS a stable and profitable website.

- The true conservative politics of the executive class are revealed yet again. They didn't want Deadspin to "stick to sports", they wanted Deadspin to stop having a mildly progressive editorial voice, especially on issues of class, labor, gender, and race politics.

Deadspin was more than a sports site and that's part of what made it unique in a landscape of shitty, overwhelmingly mediocre sports journalism. It also had an unapologetically progressive voice, which again is something largely missing in the sports world and media in general.

Perhaps worst of all, we are now robbed of their annual Hater's Guide to the Williams-Sonoma catalogue.