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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI'll only speak for myself...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2631133&mesg_id=2631156
2631156, I'll only speak for myself...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Nov-21-17 08:26 AM
I never thought any of the four were bums.
Sabonis was a good, young player last year. Obviously has the DNA...he could shoot it some, too. Kid's body just wore out. No crime there. He was simply part of the deal. If you can get PG, you get him.

Vic is obviously a hooper. Watching as many games as I did last year, he did some maddening, hard to explain shit at times...but, he's a baller and pretty much a good dude (the extended cut of his interview with Desus and Mero is pretty damn good) Again...if you can get PG AND offload a huge contract, you do it.

Dougie...I was excited when this trade happened. I thought we'd finally gotten a shooter on the roof. Didn't work out that way. Cool. So, he was just part of a deal. We flipped Payne, Morrow and Joffrey for Taj and Dougie...then ended up including Dougie in the deal to get Melo. Ok(c)Jigga

Kanter was the hardest for me. It's well documented how I feel about dude. Wouldn't even be hard to pull up if somebody wanted to try some "gotcha" shit. I've probably stated it 6, 7 times in various posts. Loyal teammate, great hands, hustles, fantastic scorer with a nose for the ball...can't defend. There were times during the Houston series where he just could not be on the floor. Annnnnnnnd...if you can get Melo PLUS get rid of Enes' contract, you do it.

Not really sweating our record when we haven't even opened the cranberry sauce yet. I will say, it is frustrating watching us build huge leads and loose them or some of the shot selection, at times. Still, I'm confident that we will be around when the beef cooks *RIP Prodigy* next spring.