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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectMarried, schmarried. Separated or what, they aren't together.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2525856&mesg_id=2526194
2526194, Married, schmarried. Separated or what, they aren't together.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Mar-20-16 08:33 PM
>Got kids. All this MIGHT be a lil confusing for kids.

Agreed. How exactly does beating his ass fix.....anything? What exactly does that teach the kids?

>it's a bit more complicated than some angry husband
>disapproving of some fucking (which I suspect it is)

How? What's so complicated here? They're separated.

>been divorced, but I am married and I'd have a strong reaction
>to my wife frolicking in public with and having another adult
>male around my kids after a year of separation...'cause of my
>kid, not wanting her ass back.

I'd have a strong reaction too. If we separate or divorce though? All that mess is fair game for both sides. You or I or Matt Barnes might not LIKE the situation, but it is what it is.

Here's the real question:

What exactly are you going to do?

You gonna be a real man and risk going to jail to prove what a real man you are by fighting this dude for smashing your wife despite the fact the two of you are separated?

You gonna argue and fight over a woman who seems perfectly happy to get some other dick?

Why the fuck would you even bother fighting to hold on to that type of person? You think that kind of relationship is good for the kids?

So you wouldn't be cool with her dating your old coworker. And? What? What are you gonna do?