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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subject^^^Basically (c) Redman
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2484525&mesg_id=2484608
2484608, ^^^Basically (c) Redman
Posted by mrhood75, Fri Oct-16-15 02:39 PM

>he's signing 1 yr opt-outs in order to maximize his earnings.

He's making back all the money he "walked away from" when he signed with the Heat. He knows damn well that the cap is going to keep increasing.

The '16-'17 is the last season of the current CBA, right? And next off-season the cap gets increased over more, right? LeBron will opt out his contract one last time in summer of '16, and sign his last huge contract after that. Like, for the most years and most money possible.