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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: Script the story how you want, but he doesn't impress me.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2369610&mesg_id=2369713
2369713, RE: Script the story how you want, but he doesn't impress me.
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Fri Sep-19-14 12:51 AM
>>A SB appearance and an NFCCG while saddled with a terrible
>>doesn't count for anything?
>>How about being the best Bears coach since color television
>>was introduced?
>>What about being a consistent winner and even going 10-6 in
>>the year he was fired?
>>All that is erased because the Bucs (a team that's been
>>for a good minute) got blown out on the road in his 3rd game
>>as HC????
>And no, I'm not just basing it off of 1 game. Also, I think
>you're a bit biased.

So, in the debate over whether Lovie Smith is even a "good" football coach, I offer

his SB appearance as a HC, his NFCCG appearance as a HC, his number of winning seasons as a HC.

Your rebuttal is:

He never "impressed" you

I assume we are done here?