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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI don't think I'll be watching
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2358231&mesg_id=2362885
2362885, I don't think I'll be watching
Posted by osu_no_1, Fri Aug-29-14 05:37 AM
My thoughts might change right before game day but I can't justify spending the money to support this team and really the NFL in general. It's just become a shitty product. The Browns have embodied the recent trend of the NFL - keep putting out shittier and shittier product because the stupid ass fans don't care if it's shit, they gobble it up without question because it's football.

I was pissed to be blacked out from the game on the NFL network somehow even though I live in Dayton and it was a fucking preseason game. I'm pissed about the Gordon suspension being upheld. I'm pissed about their backpedaling on the domestic violence stuff. I'm pissed about all the flags, commercials and stupid little breaks during the game that basically require you to record it to keep any kind of flow to the action. The Browns sucking doesn't surprise me but they shouldn't expect people to keep putting up with this bullshit. It all just seems like a test of how far can we push them, and I'm at the breaking point.