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Topic subjectThat's how it stated according to the local paper...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2310676&mesg_id=2311202
2311202, That's how it stated according to the local paper...
Posted by Hitokiri, Sun Mar-30-14 12:13 PM
The stadium was 99.9% Espanyol supporters. I was an idiot and wore a barça jersey, figuring that being in the same city, there had to be a Barça contingent there too. Nope. The only other people I saw in Barça colors were two foreign kids with their dads. I quickly learned I needed to keep my jacket zipped. After I was playful yelled at by one guy, and not playfully yelled at by another... really drunk guy when I was walking to the ticket booth.

So according to the local paper, some of the Espanyol ultras saw some Barça supporters celebrate the goal in a skybox and confronted them after the game. When I was leaving the stadium there were already sirens going off, but they were coming from an ambulance that was parked in front of the stadium. As I made my way over there it looked like a fight circle had opened in right in front of the stadium but i couldn't really see if there was a fight happening. A few hundred people were in the thick of it. There was a lot of yelling and chanting ("Puta barça, puta barça eh eh eh"), cans and bottles being thrown, and generally dudes fucking up their own stadium grounds.

Then one dude broke out and ran and another few dudes, including one with a broken nose covered with a bandage) ran after him. Then the riot police moved in, swing clubs (but to me, who'se seen police whoop ass they were just swinging to clear it out) and people scattered. Then as soon as the police retreated they were pelted with bottles, cans, rocks, sticks used to support young trees, and even branches broken off of those same young trees. Police move toward the ultras and again they scatter. They turn on the sprinklers on the grounds to encourage folks to leave but they just move to the street. The police try to form a perimeter... and some shit was going down on the opposite side from me but the ultras flipped over some dumpsters for ammo and again let it rain down on the police. The vans roll down that way as dudes spit on the passing vehicles, throw whatever they can... one dude (one of the main instigators on my side of things) moons them. There's several shots of either gas or bean bags fired down an alley. The riot police come back the other way with the vans and the mooner dude throws a fucking guard rail at one of the trucks.
The police zoom back and forth seeming pursing a group of the ultras but all of the trucks had evidence of shit being thrown at them, one had it's side mirror hanging off, broken. After maybe an hour things seemed to had calmed down.

I found the reaction of onlookers kind've amusing as they're saying "This is Spain" in the same way folks here say "this is America." People are making Nazi salutes at the cops and things like that... I was amused because where I'm from, cops would been really whooping their asses. They would've gotten maced and beaten with a quickness, but I didn't even think they cops were out of line.