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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe franchise rep is whats toxic, least they got a 1st Rounder for TRich
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2298162&mesg_id=2298178
2298178, The franchise rep is whats toxic, least they got a 1st Rounder for TRich
Posted by Bombastic, Wed Feb-12-14 04:38 AM
that they now don't get to use meanwhile he wouldn't yield a 6th rounder just a few months later.

It wasn't like they were the ones who drafted Richardson 3rd overall or attempted to make Brandon Weedon a franchise QB burning a first-rounder on a 30-year-old spread option QB who was so ancient that he'd been a part of the Kevin Brown Dodger/Yankee trade in like 2001.

This staff hadn't even gotten done cleaning up Holmgren's messes & now they're gone, after only one draft season with five total picks.

The Browns are a fucking trainwreck.