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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectcall me crazy, but I still see Floyd-Pacquiao happening.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2296815&mesg_id=2298086
2298086, call me crazy, but I still see Floyd-Pacquiao happening.
Posted by Vex_id, Tue Feb-11-14 04:31 PM
Floyd has what - 4 more fights left in
his contract? At some point he may
not be satisfied w/ the remaining
field, and contrary to what some believe,
I feel that Floyd wants to go out on the highest
note - he understands what is at stake for his legacy
if the Pacquiao fight doesn't happen....

Part of me feels like he's waiting until his grande
finale to do it - and that Pacquiao may opt out of
his contract when it expires in November to make
the fight happen - as that may be the only way the
fight happens (Arum having nothing to do w/ it).

They both (Pac & Floyd) say they want to give the
fans the most exciting fights - so the onus is on them
to make the fight happen.


Breathe through the nose
keep the mouth closed.
Through the blood
Chi goes where the dow flows.