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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectThe better team won Sunday.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2263748&mesg_id=2263885
2263885, The better team won Sunday.
Posted by Kajun, Tue Nov-19-13 12:23 PM
Total Yards: 387-196 SAINTS

Time of Possession: 34:39-25:21 SAINTS

You making it about that Gore drop (or even worse an accurately called penalty) is really sad. You were GIFTED +14 points on completely unforced turnovers. If you can't win a game with that you did not deserve it, plain and simple. Pointing to only the mistakes your team made is a pathetic plea cop. Ya'll got OUTPLAYED.

Your offense sucks, the D has lost its bite and frankly nobody is worried about playing you if you are the road team like you'll be in dem 'offs.

Better luck next year bub.