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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectLet's get some perspective on the niners real quick:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2263748&mesg_id=2263850
2263850, Let's get some perspective on the niners real quick:
Posted by the_time_is_when_god...lounge, Tue Nov-19-13 10:58 AM
Played Seattle once: was a 5-3 game at halftime on the road. Final score looked terrible but the game was much more competitive than the score stated. Play them again at home likely with Crabtree in the line up. Division opponent...anything can happen from game to game.

Played Carolina: 10-9 game. speaks for itself.

Played New Orleans: Gore catches that dump off up the sideline, game over. The sack/fumble could have easily been called a legal hit, which also would have iced the game..this was in the superdome

all of this with Vernon Davis being out for a nice portion of the first two games, no crabtree, and our offense sputtering with Greg Roman calling the Alex Smith offense and Kaepernick being unable to run the Alex Smith offense. All of these teams are very very beatable for the niners.