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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectacceptable? no. and that's precisely the point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2257381&mesg_id=2258217
2258217, acceptable? no. and that's precisely the point
Posted by Beamer6178, Thu Nov-07-13 10:50 AM
for some "white" dude to act like HE can speak on what the fuck is honoring an almost extinct population just because he derives boatloads of money from a likeness is absolutely motherfucking unacceptable.

THAT he is Jewish further underscores that HE should be more sensitive to the issue.

so yeah, as a black man, I'm good with that shit. through and through. would be fine if they made it "darkies" or "monkeys" too.

the ONLY group that has more claim to getting fucked the fucked up on this terrain than blacks are Native Americans.

>leaving aside that, for me, it might be worse (clouded by my
>being jewish, but then again, so is the reaction of non-jews),
>that's not relevant or interesting or useful.
>neither joke was even CLOSE to being acceptable. whichever was
>worse is an unnecessary thought experiment.
>Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014
>-Rex LongFellow
>It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilarious.