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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subject"your pain is less important than our football memories"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2257381&mesg_id=2257825
2257825, "your pain is less important than our football memories"
Posted by philpot, Wed Nov-06-13 01:59 PM
one of the DC council members used that to illustrate the mentality of anti-name-changers

its pretty basic: their emotional attachment to the name is more important than common sense & decency

ive seen it all though, most arguments they have have a VERY right winger tone ... ive seen "liberals" betray their own way of thinking bc they are so emotional about the issue, wildly contorting logic in the manner of Fox News to label pro-name-changers the "real racists" for "telling Indians how to think", the lack of logic is astounding

one guy tweeted "how will any Indians lives get better if the name changes" so i hit him w/ articles from psychology today about studies on how mascots effect self esteem...crickets

then of course there are the "why dont you find another team if youre offended or offensive" and the "youre not a true fan"

the idiots who say they'll quit the team if the name is changed gotta be the nuttiest of the bunch tho