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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjecthis opinion is beyond idiotic
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2216903&mesg_id=2216939
2216939, his opinion is beyond idiotic
Posted by laizquierda, Wed Aug-07-13 06:46 PM
first off, even if Riley said "I'll fight every African-American in here!"
that'd still be racist. now, if someone wants to "forgive" him,
ok. cool. whatever, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have been
disciplined. it doesn't mean he shouldn't be criticized

Deion ain't that old to be thinking "nigga" is the same as "nigger"

this is a dude who says "hit that blunt!" whenever LeGarrette Blount
has a big run. no way in hell he don't say nigga

I love how people play dumb as if there are no other words that have
similar pronunciations and spellings, but different meanings

being called "boy" by one of my "boys" isn't the same a white man calling me boy

as a Black man, I'm not running around calling white folks "rednecks".
I'm not addressing a Latino as "ese." I'm not calling Filipinos "Pinoy/Pinay".
I'm not calling gay people "fags". I'm not calling women "bitches"

people within these respective groups can use those terms for one another...
but it's not my place to use it

if a group of people say they don't want you to address them a certain way,
then you should respect it. period

that said, I feel we (Black people) have used "nigga" too much.
we use it around white people--hell, sometimes we use it towards
white people. at this point, we mainly use it out of laziness
because it's just become habit, but none of that means
it's the same as "nigger"