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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI guess he's not game for the cock.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2121455&mesg_id=2122684
2122684, I guess he's not game for the cock.
Posted by MothershipConnection, Wed Jan-30-13 07:39 PM
OK I had to get my one gay joke out there.

Wasn't Kwame a guy that scouts questioned his toughness out of college cause he was smart and played piano (in addition to playing soft on the field at times)? Not that playing piano makes you gay, else me, Joey Harrington, and millions of other people would have to flip orientation, but Kwame might have been the wrong guy to come out while playing cause of that (but mostly cause he sucked). I know enough gay dudes more into the NFL than me or just as into sports as me that I don't buy into the gay = soft stereotype... hell I had a rec/club league teammate who's gay who's one of the angriest and toughest teammates I've had. I've known and been friends with him for a while and knew he was out but I've had friends who added him on Facebook and saw he was in a relationship with a dude and were like "I had no idea he was gay!"