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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectnothing has changed.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2112782&mesg_id=2112948
2112948, nothing has changed.
Posted by Guinness, Wed Jan-16-13 04:55 PM
until bynum gets on the court, the sixers are in the same position they were two months ago. i didn't think they were going to be much improved--the addition of bynum and the loss of iggy and willz evened out, in my book--so the focus was always on seeing who should stick around going forward.

philly is an awful team whose record is actually better than it should be. they're below average defensively and one of the worst offenses in the NBA (ranked 28th). they don't take enough threes, they're comically bad at getting to the foul line, and they shoot more shitty midrange jumpers than just about any other team.

thad, wright and jrue are the only decent players on the team. everyone else sucks.