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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectLMAO at u catching the oversenstive bug...it's contagious i guess
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2101399&mesg_id=2102085
2102085, LMAO at u catching the oversenstive bug...it's contagious i guess
Posted by 3xKrazy, Wed Jan-02-13 03:00 PM
>When you dont have a bowl game to care about you have to
>nitpick successful plays of others.

first off there was nothing successful about michigans day. secondly, the specific play in question was for intents and purposes unsuccessful as it was clearly stopped short of the first down marker despite a very generous spot from the refs.

thirdly, this a game thread, where aspects of said game are open for discussion. stop acting like a bitch.

as if michigan fans havent been knee deep is osu bowl game threads throughout the years, and often times after finishing dreadful seasons and getting their asses handed to them in The Game.

OSU 12-0 and beat mich. damn right im gonna be here clowning on your asses for fucking up.