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Topic subjectRebooting Predator? Whyyyyyyyy? (SWIPE)
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681193, Rebooting Predator? Whyyyyyyyy? (SWIPE)
Posted by nipsey, Tue Jun-24-14 02:47 PM

Fox Rebooting 'Predator' With Shane Black (Exclusive)
12:23 PM PDT 6/24/2014 by Borys Kit

Eighties action classic Predator is getting the reboot treatment from Twentieth Century Fox.

But before some purists cry fowl, however, they should know that this reboot comes with an in interesting attachment: Shane Black, the venerable screenwriter behind Lethal Weapon and writer-director of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Iron Man 3.

Black will write the treatment for the project, then will hand over scripting duties to Fred Dekker, his university chum with whom he wrote 1987’s Monster Squad. Black will oversee the writing and is also attached to direct.

John Davis, who produced the original with Joel Silver and Lawrence Gordon, is producing the reboot.

Predator is the muscle-bound action 1987 movie that starred Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as Carl Weathers and Jesse Ventura as commandos being stalked in a jungle by a fearsome alien. John McTiernan directed the film, which was one of the movies that cemented Schwarzenegger’s star power.

Black actually appeared in a minor role in the original movie and how be became involved is part of Hollywood lore.

When Predator was being made in 1986, Black was already a screenwriting prodigy for his Lethal Weapon and Monster Squad scripts. The studio and producers wanted him to polish the script for Predator, which was then in pre-production. Black turned it down. A few weeks later, they approached him again. Once more, Black said no. Another few weeks went by, and then the studio called again. This time, however, he was told there was a small role in the movie and whether he would like to have it. Black said yes.

When he arrived to the South American set, the studio execs and producers greeted him and said, "By the way, would you mind taking a look at the script?" Black replied, "I’m still not rewriting it."

Fox has found ways to keep Predator alive since it's initial outing. There was a Schwarzenegger-less sequel, Predators, in 1990. Robert Rodriguez produced an installment of the franchise in 2010. Fox also combined it with its Alien franchise for a couple of Alien vs. Predator movie released in 2004 and 2007, respectively.

Fox exec Matt Reilly is overseeing the reboot. Davis Entertainment's Ira Napoliello is also overseeing.

This is proving to be a busy time for Black. He is trying to put together a cast for The Nice Guys, a 1970s crime movie that was originally earmarked for television. Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe are circling the project, which is being produced by Silver but has no home just yet, and that could shoot this fall.

Black is also is very actively developing Doc Savage, the adaptation of the 1930s pulp hero for Sony. He recently met with Chris Hemsworth for the title role but it’s unclear when that project would shoot since it’s still grappling with budgetary issues. Sony, however, does consider Savage one of its priorities.

Black is repped by WME, GreenLit Creative and Bloom Hergott.

Dekker, who directed Monster Squad as well as Robocop 3, is also repped by WME.
681195, Well, Shane Black is involved. So that's good
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Jun-24-14 03:04 PM
LOL @ the story of the studio trying to get him to help with the o.g. movie nearly 30(?!?!?!?!) years ago.
681198, Black and Dekker!? I'm in!
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Jun-24-14 03:17 PM
Also, how did I never put those two names together before? lol
681200, They would have made a killer production team in the late 80's
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Jun-24-14 03:29 PM
or at the very least, made for an awesome Stephen J. Cannell cop show title

Funcrusher Plus
681204, Right? How did they not use it on MONSTER SQUAD?
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Jun-24-14 03:46 PM
681205, Because Fox owns it all
Posted by b.Touch, Tue Jun-24-14 03:57 PM
and wants an action franchise that doesn't involve Marvel.
681207, Fox got like 17 more "Avatars" coming out!
Posted by nipsey, Tue Jun-24-14 04:16 PM
I hear you. It's just that "Predator" has a special place in my heart.
681206, I have no problem with rebooting the series.
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Jun-24-14 04:08 PM
Remaking the original is kind of a fool's errand though. That movie is pitch perfect. I'd probably say the original one happened and it's a new attempt at making a sequel (even though I kind of liked Predators 2, it could definitely be improved.)
681212, eh, why not
Posted by BigWorm, Tue Jun-24-14 07:07 PM
My problem isn't with the reboots anymore, its that the reboots always seem to be put in the wrong hands.

Especially, people who don't seem to know what fans loved about the original(s).

It's just kind of funny that they're actually calling this a reboot. I mean, Predator 2 was only loosely connected to the first one, and even less so for the others. I can't see them remaking the original, since it was kind of just another Arnold action flick with a villain just interesting enough to make the movie stand out from other Arnold flicks.

I guess with all the other "sequels" tanking, they probably want to call it a reboot just to assure audiences that it won't suck this time...
681219, Cool but I want a Kiss Kiss Bang Bang sequel
Posted by mrshow, Wed Jun-25-14 04:42 AM
681220, Honestly, they should do a Predators 2 with Arnold on that planet.
Posted by phenompyrus, Wed Jun-25-14 06:28 AM
And a new cast of badass mercenaries that were better than Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, and Alice Braga.
681245, Well Arnold was supposed to play Fish's part from the first one
Posted by Dae021, Wed Jun-25-14 12:56 PM
Which would've made that movie all around much better
681304, Oh I know, that would have been great.
Posted by phenompyrus, Thu Jun-26-14 11:58 AM
The scripts that included Dutch even in a smaller cameo were cool
681444, I thought Brody was great actually
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jun-28-14 08:02 PM
I had doubts but he was totally believable imo
681266, Shane Black says no reboot, it's a sequel
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-25-14 08:46 PM

“ as far as Fred and I are concerned anyway. Why start over, when you’ve all this rich mythology yet to mine? really get behind inventive sequels the idea of expanding and exploring the existing Predator mythology, rather than hitting the restart button.”
681308, nice--
Posted by bloocollar, Thu Jun-26-14 12:52 PM
i fucking hate reboots
681317, Love Shane Black.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Thu Jun-26-14 03:22 PM

i'm out.
681406, thank fuck for that and for Shane Black
Posted by araQual, Fri Jun-27-14 08:07 PM
681433, That's definitely more encouraging
Posted by nipsey, Sat Jun-28-14 01:25 PM
681293, i must be one of the few that liked Predators
Posted by Calico, Thu Jun-26-14 09:20 AM
seen it a couple times...thought it did well at the box office...i'm tired of reboots....folks are lazy...
681337, I enjoyed "Predators" as well!
Posted by DJ007, Thu Jun-26-14 08:24 PM
I thought Robert Rodriguez did a good job of doing a reboot as well as an homage to original. Loved the yakuza vs predator fight scene with the music from the original- truly epic!
"You can win with certainty with the spirit of "one cut". "Musashi Miyamoto
681707, gotta disagree
Posted by BigWorm, Fri Jul-04-14 11:35 PM
I liked the premise, but man. What a waste of Danny Trejo. And Larry Fishburne for that matter.

I don't know, it was kind of meh in execution. A whole group of supposed badasses land in Predator world, and they all get taken out one by one mighty damn fast...except for weak ass Adrien Brody.

Hopefully this next movie will get it right. The ideas behind Predators and Aliens are so cool...it's like filmmakers keep going out of their way to fuck it up every single time.
681710, RE: gotta disagree
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Sat Jul-05-14 01:44 AM
>I liked the premise, but man. What a waste of Danny Trejo.
>And Larry Fishburne for that matter.
>I don't know, it was kind of meh in execution. A whole group
>of supposed badasses land in Predator world, and they all get
>taken out one by one mighty damn fast...except for weak ass
>Adrien Brody.

Same thing happened in the original and their were a unit that had obviously fought together since Vietnam. Groups of bad assets gets dropped in the jungle and gets taken out one by one (in pretty quick succession mind you) til one was left. I thought it was fine and agree that it brought it back to the hunters being the hunted vibe as mentioned in previous posts.

Some of the film was corny and I agree with Fish not being utilized to the fullest extent, but I ain't paying to see Machete vs Predators. Trejo got just the right amount of screen time. What they really needed was some Braga yammers action.
>Hopefully this next movie will get it right. The ideas behind
>Predators and Aliens are so cool...it's like filmmakers keep
>going out of their way to fuck it up every single time.
The problem is trying to combine the franchises with those AvP turds. I felt Predators made up for those abominations.

Let's just let Black and Dekker cook.
681352, I thought it was good fun.
Posted by phenompyrus, Fri Jun-27-14 08:06 AM
There were things to complain about, but it's definitely not awful.
681443, you are not alone - MJ (c)
Posted by astralblak, Sat Jun-28-14 07:18 PM
i dug it too
681399, why don't they just let arnold reprise his same character and continue
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Fri Jun-27-14 04:18 PM
from where the first one left off?

681432, !!!
Posted by Mafamaticks, Sat Jun-28-14 01:16 PM
681492, Because it's time to fuck up your childhood now
Posted by biscuit, Mon Jun-30-14 11:04 AM
They already done fucking up mine.
681716, because hollywood's been outta ideas for a hot minute
Posted by araQual, Sat Jul-05-14 01:45 PM
regurgitating the same damn story in every damn movie. or just plundering the 80s which has been the motif lately.

im half expecting this one to involve a prophecy and a chosen one.

681717, Can y'all stop saying this shit?
Posted by b.Touch, Sat Jul-05-14 01:58 PM
Hollywood is NOT out of ideas.

In a city where a film producer of any sort of note can't take a shit without someone trying to pitch something, they couldn't be out of ideas if they tried.

The increase of remakes, sequels, and adaptations is due to studios doubling down on pre-established properties that are easier (that means cheaper) to market, easier (that means cheaper too) to draw a wide international audience, and that can be turned into cross-platform franchises.

It's not a lack of creativity. It's strategic marketing and production. It is, after all, the motion picture industry.
681721, aight, leme rephrase: hollywood is married to the SAME ideas (rantish)
Posted by araQual, Sat Jul-05-14 04:03 PM
and projecting those ideas into every single damn thing that comes thru the system. better? which means no matter the originality of the idea, someone at some point in the mental poop factory that is hollywood can inject, 1)a prophecy, and 2)a chosen one to fulfill the prophecy. shit's beyond a fucking joke. i can't even sit down and watch a fucking LEGO movie and not be slammed over the head with this shit lol. there should be no surprise as to why someone would make the mental leap that they're out of ideas.

obviously it's a system and a business and decisions are made toward the making of money (duh), but recurring themes of this nature proliferated throughout all films in that system means it's on purpose and for a reason. also things like the escalation of doom n gloom end of the world "billions of ppl will die/need to die" flicks that seem to come in waves speaks to something more than the dollar as the bottom line. but ppl get touchy about approaching that aspect of the system, the whole 'being there just to get inside the hearts and minds of ppl toward some end' thing. i wont even bother getting into predictive programming.

this system doesn't seem to just make decisions based on money alone, they're constantly trying to send a message of some sort. and wat better way to do it than thru the "magic" of cinema lol (im sposed to believe a system named after a wood that was used to fashion 'magic wands' for sorcery and trickery is only single-layered and singular in its motivation? just money?).

that was my long-winded explanation for why i made the initial comments as it wasnt just a reactionary off-the-cuff thing. the thing is, i agree with wat u said, but it doesn't negate the image of the system being out of ideas, cos the layman will and do think exactly that and will never, outside of financial gain, understand WHY they're seeing the same recycled shit in different forms, with the same imagery, same symbolism & same plot trajectory.

681724, yeah, no. It's just about money.
Posted by b.Touch, Sat Jul-05-14 08:02 PM
All six of the major studios are owned by publicly owned conglomerates.

Every decision to greenlight a film over a certain monetary threshold is because they want it to make good money. Even awards are secondary (or hoped for in support of the primary goal, which is making money).

They inject that "prophecy/chosen one" bit into movies because it makes them mystical and makes them feel like people will relate to them because: Christianity.