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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectWhat about rocknroll?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=677340&mesg_id=684053
684053, What about rocknroll?
Posted by denny, Sun Aug-17-14 05:50 AM
Did you just say that?

>Re: School of Rock, it's simply the most joyous and honest
>mainstream children's comedy in memory-- not to mention one of
>the best movies about rock and roll, period. It treats the
>children characters with respect, it gives Jack Black the best
>role he's likely to ever have, the script is obscenely sharp
>(the only downside is the whiny girlfriend, but it's cancelled
>out by Cusack's tremendous work as the principal), and it has
>genuine heart. Not to mention the music throughout, which
>fucking rules. In fact, I'm going to go watch it again right
>now.say that?

The music in that movie is horrible. And sorry, if you think this is 'one of the best movies about rocknroll, period' than you don't know nothing about rocknroll, period. lol. How square are you?