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570740, Weeds Season 7
Posted by ZooTown74, Fri Jun-24-11 02:03 PM
Yeah, we know, "the show where that white bitch be getting away with shit"

We know. Bye bye.

They're back, and everything's flashed forward 3 years after Nancy's prison stint ("see, why can't we see that white bitch pay for her bullshit, and when she gon start selling weed again?" <---- TOKPR)

Here's an interview with Jenji. She mentions that we might see "people from the past," which may or may not include our beloved Conrad... though on the TiVo I did see the name "Tonye Patano" listed... she was Heylia on the early seasons...


>'Weeds' creator Jenji Kohan previews season 7 in the Spoiler Room (Will this be the final season?!)

by Sandra Gonzalez
Categories: Television, The Spoiler Room, TV Scoop, Weeds

Hello, Spoiler Roomies! As you read this I’m getting eaten alive by mosquitoes in my motherland (Texas). But I’ve taken a break from vacation to bring you a spoiler-filled Q&A with Weeds creator Jenji Kohan about season 7 (kicks off Monday!), which will hopefully tide you over until I can return and answer a ton of your questions.
On that note, remember to send any and all inquiries to spoilerrooom@ew.com (note the two “r”s) or Tweet them to me at @EWSandraG. I’m still off next week, but I’ll see you the week after! Until then!

SPOILER ROOM: So we pick up three years later in the premiere. How are we going to learn about how prison has affected Nancy?

JENJI KOHAN: You can’t help but be affected by your experiences; however, one of the core mantras of this show seems to be that people don’t change. I think, in a lot of ways, that perhaps prison was just furthering her education in crime school. In prison, she did what she needed to do in order to survive, and now that she’s back again, I don’t think it’s too long before she falls into her old habits.

SR: She kicks off the business once again.

JK: Yeah. She’s certainly attracted to it, and it’s the family business, so it’s hard to walk away from that.

SR: Do we get the sense that she’s learned any lesson at all, or has it rolled off of her?

JK: I think more than anything, it’s rolled off of her. Do we ever learn our lessons? Not really. (Laughs) Nope. Would it be any fun if we did? Probably not. So I think she really has done some thinking and wants to get back on the horse.

SR: And wants to get back on iced coffee, as well, I’m sure.

JK: Indeed! We had a lot of discussion about that, actually. We took a skeleton crew and shot some stuff in New York, and one of the things on the schedule was for her to sort of collapse in worship in front of a coffee place. We didn’t have time to shoot it, but there will be definite nods to her other addiction — beyond danger.

SR: It’s interesting that you call prison “crime school.” Are we going to get the sense that she’s better at it now because of the time she served? Did she learn any new tricks?

JK: Um, I don’t know if she’s ever better at it because I think with any criminal activity, you fly by the seat of your pants. There’s no agenda; there’s no minutes on the board meeting that day. You have to figure it out as you go, and circumstances can change so quickly. I’m sure she got tips and leads on things while she was in prison, but it’s a seat-of-your-pants kind of occupation, and that’s what she loves. I think she’ll just keep seeing what she can do.

SR: Tell me about the decision to jump three years in the future.

JK: It was a huge decision. It was a huge decision for us because we usually start the next minute (after the season ends) and everyone yells at us because Shane’s grown 8 inches and it’s technically only two hours later. But this year, it was really a matter of “Do we want to do prison?” Did we want to go into the minutiae of her talking about Esteban’s business? Or did we want to explore witness protection? And none of those areas were things we were particularly enchanted with when we were breaking the season. So we figured, let’s just catch up to where they are and let’s just proceed from there. Prison, in a lot of ways, is lost time. It is, they call it, sitting in stir. We wanted to see her active and with her people, and it would have been two shows in one, I think.

SR: Are we going to see flashbacks to that time?

JK: Probably not. There’s a lot of references and certainly people from that time will come back and inform us as to what she might have been doing when she was off camera. We also allude to what the boys had been doing in Copenhagen, and Andy and Doug, while she was in prison. In episode 1, you really try to bring everyone in and really get them going for the season. Truthfully, we have a lot of housekeeping to do. We had to sort of bring our whole audience up to speed, so that’s kind of what the first episode’s about.

SR:What can you tell me about the guest cast we’ll be seeing this season.

JK: Jennifer Jason Leigh is always a treat and a delight, and it’s such a great sister relationship, just to continue the dysfunctional family. Martin Short is an attorney who’s helping out Nancy. Aidan Quinn is a potential love interest. I love the guest casting and the name casting, but I’m also really proud of the in-house casting we do and just random actors who audition and turn out to be fantastic. We have some casting gods smiling down on us often at Weeds.

SR: It’s interesting that you say Aidan Quinn is a possible interest, because I was still holding out for Nancy and Andy.

JK: Aww! I know, I know! I mean, talk about dysfunction. You want to see it, but also, everyone’s standing there, saying, “DON’T DO IT, MAN! NO!” They’re certainly connected in each other’s lives and everything, but I think Andy needs to branch out a little bit, and hopefully we’ll see that this season.

SR: Are there any episodes you’re especially excited for people to see?

JK: I think they’re all great. I’m so excited about what I’m reading and what we’re shooting and posting. We’re right in the thick of it right now. I’m just truly excited by all of it. We’re in New York now, and it’s a whole new ballgame. There’s just a lot of exciting stuff coming down the pike, and the writers are so good at what they do and it’s like asking, “What’s your favorite finger?” I can’t; they all serve a purpose.

SR: But you guys aren’t filming here in New York, right?

JK: No, we are not. We never left Hollywood to go across country. We just don’t have the budget. I wish we did — but I don’t wish we did because truthfully, we have a remarkable crew out here. We probably couldn’t take them all with us back east, and I would hate to see the family that has developed for 7 years suddenly split apart. It’s not ideal to shoot LA for New York, but it’s worth it to me to have our people doing it. I’m sure Mary Louise is not thrilled because we make her come out here from New York every year, and she’s like, “I came all the way out to LA to shoot New York? What’s going on?” But as I said, we did shoot some B-roll with her in New York, and we’re doing our best to remain authentic and true to the spirit of the city.

SR: Well, you guys went cross-country last year. I’m sure staying in one place won’t be as hard as that.

JK: Exactly. And we’re also hoping to explore parts of New York that people don’t see as often, like Washington Heights, and Queens and different areas, so I think that’ll be fun.

SR: Are they going to have roots this time around?

JK: You know, they are gypsies at heart, but I think any time you come to a new place, you have to have some kind of home base — just so you feel grounded. But home is where your family is. Wherever you are, it’s about the people you’re surrounded by, not necessarily where you lay your head.

SR: Are we going to see the recurring characters back too, like Doug?

JK: Oh sure. Sure. Maybe some surprises this season, we’ll see. Maybe some faces from the past. I’m not at liberty to say. We’re elephants down here, we never forget. We really believe our auxiliary cast are full whole people with lives that continue as our casts’ lives continue. So people can always come back, unless they’re dead which happens.

SR: A little Jeffrey Dean Morgan flashback would be great. He’s a big movie star now, though.

JK: Oh I know. I know. We were extraordinarily lucky.

SR: Lastly, is this the final season?

JK: My deal’s up. This is my baby, but who knows. But as far as I know, we don’t have a deal for season 8. I don’t know what the future holds.


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570758, I'm actually excited because of the 3 year jump
Posted by Y2Flound, Fri Jun-24-11 04:57 PM
I didn't know that was happening but the show needed it.

We all know the show needed some type of change and big kick in the ass, this could be it. could also not be it but at least it is a chance for something new.

This season would have been awful if it was all about her trying to make a plea deal, protect her family, rat out esteban etc...
<---- #Questfor500
570761, Been with it from the get go and not tired yet
Posted by KingMonte, Fri Jun-24-11 05:06 PM
The jump has me intrigued, but I just like the characters.
571058, Nobody wants to discuss the premier?
Posted by Y2Flound, Tue Jun-28-11 11:36 AM
Some things I really liked.

Esteban being dead and his cartel breaking up- I hope this is real, I don't want a season of her just running from him and his goons again, hopefully that story line is just finished.

Shane being a grownup- This season going 3 years in the future benefits Shane's character the most. Every other season picked up where the last one left off but yet Shane looking 2 years older. This time he is just a grown up who is allowed to be a weirdo, yet he is still strangely dependent on Andy and his mom since they were always there for him.

The jump in the future in general- Finally feels like some fresh shit can happen on this show now that 3 years have passed.

Nancy's kid calling her Aunt Nancy- This is probably the first real hard hitting thing to just say yea you fucked up too much now look what happened. She isn't going to just take the kid and fuck him up worse so she will always have to deal with her son being her nephew.

Things I didn't like

Silas as a model- I'm sure this won't be a big storyline but he just irked me sitting in the chair having his face pampered.

Nancy grabbing all those grenades- I don't know where thats going but god damn woman. You JUST got out of jail and got the warning that you'll head right back if you fuck up once. You telling me on day 1 you are going to bring a suitcase of grenades into a halfway house where he said we will randomly check your shit?

Overall the debut has me interested in the season, I just hope they manage to avoid falling back into the hole of the last few.

<---- #Questfor500
571217, RE: Nobody wants to discuss the premier?
Posted by Scarface_7, Wed Jun-29-11 04:01 PM
>Nancy's kid calling her Aunt Nancy- This is probably the first
>real hard hitting thing to just say yea you fucked up too much
>now look what happened. She isn't going to just take the kid
>and fuck him up worse so she will always have to deal with her
>son being her nephew.

That was the awkwardest moment, yo! She needs to go get the bean-Botwin

>Things I didn't like
>Silas as a model- I'm sure this won't be a big storyline but
>he just irked me sitting in the chair having his face

C/S--> Seemed to fit dukes persona, IMO, tho, but yeah, not a fan. Give him till the third ep and he'll be NY bound

>Nancy grabbing all those grenades- I don't know where thats
>going but god damn woman. You JUST got out of jail and got the
>warning that you'll head right back if you fuck up once. You
>telling me on day 1 you are going to bring a suitcase of
>grenades into a halfway house where he said we will randomly
>check your shit?

I couldnt believe that shit. I knew when dude gave her wiggle room, she would be up to no good. I, too, have renewed interest cuz if my girl didnt control the remote I wouldnt have watched the last Two seasons, at least... Oh, and wheres Conrad? Jenji alludes to old faces coming back...who else could it be?
571059, I liked the 3 year jump and I'm cautiously optimistic.
Posted by spades, Tue Jun-28-11 11:44 AM
So far, I wanna see where this goes. Also, I love that Silas is STILL pissed at Nancy. I hope the show doesn't just gloss over that.
571220, They write themselves into corners and then just say fuck it
Posted by Dae021, Wed Jun-29-11 04:18 PM
nope we're not following that through, we're done with that.

Nancy and ole girl going hard off the top was strange and I didn't really like it but I get it.

- all the boys lives in Europe was cool

- to have something actualyl happen that she can't change makes me sooo happy. Something has to stick on her something.
571747, Nope, Prison didn't change her. She's still a dumb bitch
Posted by Y2Flound, Tue Jul-05-11 10:54 AM
Getting high when she knew she would get drug tested?

c'mon even that is dumb for Nancy

Can't wait until she pretty girls her way out of it and everything is ok in an episode.

The Andy and her roommate interaction was great though, I hope to see more of them.

<---- #Questfor500
571756, I don't understand why she's running from her family?
Posted by Dae021, Tue Jul-05-11 11:34 AM
Maybe i'm just not paying close attention
571777, General embarrassment and weirdness after 3 years in jail
Posted by Y2Flound, Tue Jul-05-11 02:47 PM
She told her sister that she wanted to get her legs under her before seeing her family and then they showed up like a day later.

She is just generally uncomfortable with being in jail for 3 years and living in a halfway house I think.
<---- #Questfor500
571843, You know I could buy that if she were a regular person that went to
Posted by Dae021, Wed Jul-06-11 08:47 AM
Jail, but she's not. She married a drug lord, had a child by him, was offing bammas, she was apart of a super drug life the likes of which only few even see. Instead of being blind to it, her kids and Andy and Doug saw all of that.

They know who she is and don't care, so i don't see why she is acting all strange.

I mean i get it, but I don't get it you know.
571849, Could also be she doesn't want to drag them through her shit again
Posted by Y2Flound, Wed Jul-06-11 09:13 AM
Like she knew the second she got out she was up to something. Got that key, got the weapons etc...

Maybe she was like they are going to expect me to be clean and fixed but I'm going to fuck up my life even worse and don't want them to know about it this time.
<---- #Questfor500
571940, Again I could see that if Nancy were of benevolent type
Posted by Dae021, Thu Jul-07-11 09:08 AM
But she's not, she's self serving no one comes before Nance and her iced lattes
571949, yeah, I don't get why the fuck she was smoking.
Posted by spades, Thu Jul-07-11 01:10 PM
WTF was she thinking???
571817, Quick trivia: the halfway house man is also
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Jul-05-11 08:53 PM
the narrator of TV One's Unsung series


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571819, and the dad of malcolm in the middle's best friend
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Jul-05-11 09:32 PM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
571820, and the Black inmate in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
Posted by LiShang52, Tue Jul-05-11 09:45 PM
571840, And the voice of Uncle Ruckus on the Boondocks
Posted by Y2Flound, Wed Jul-06-11 08:41 AM

<---- #Questfor500
571860, STFU!
Posted by spades, Wed Jul-06-11 10:15 AM
571866, Oh shit
Posted by josephmurf2384, Wed Jul-06-11 11:14 AM
i had no idea.
571882, Ha I cheated and saw it on IMDB
Posted by Y2Flound, Wed Jul-06-11 01:28 PM

<---- #Questfor500
571887, no relation
Posted by HighVoltage, Wed Jul-06-11 02:50 PM
571941, YOUNG seriously that's Uncle Rukus!!
Posted by Dae021, Thu Jul-07-11 09:08 AM
571951, Great, now everytime I see him I'll hear the Uncle Ruckus theme.
Posted by spades, Thu Jul-07-11 01:34 PM
572359, Well last night's episode didn't suck.
Posted by BrainChild, Tue Jul-12-11 10:10 AM
The ending made me put aside my hatred for Silas for the first time in years.
572384, iono, I understand why he did what he did.
Posted by spades, Tue Jul-12-11 01:15 PM
I'm not sure I LIKED it tho.
572365, still not sure where this season is headed....
Posted by HighVoltage, Tue Jul-12-11 10:45 AM
they finally got back on track last season imo... but now the show seems lost again.
572388, I'm shocked she's so gung-ho to get back into drugs.
Posted by spades, Tue Jul-12-11 01:45 PM
573652, Didn't she say she needed fast money to get her son?
Posted by ZooTown74, Thu Jul-21-11 05:04 PM
I thought that was established


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Back for 22 mo' -- January 2012

573651, "Hey. Why is your apartment weird and full of danger?"
Posted by PierreOrdinaire, Thu Jul-21-11 04:52 PM
And how about Martin Short's Trapper Keeper of Broken Dreams? Hah!

LMAO at Silas retiring his tough guy persona with Nancy after one night.
573712, is it me or were Nancy's nieces creepy as hell...
Posted by gumz, Fri Jul-22-11 09:43 AM
they need to star in horror films or something
573725, I'm sure someone will remake "The Shining" so ......
Posted by PierreOrdinaire, Fri Jul-22-11 12:12 PM
574063, Well you guys got your wish... [SPOILER]
Posted by BrainChild, Tue Jul-26-11 10:22 AM
Heylia's back.
574064, She's the greatest
Posted by Dae021, Tue Jul-26-11 10:36 AM
574086, oh hell naw!! i'm glad to see her back but i'm wondering how it'll go
Posted by gumz, Tue Jul-26-11 01:09 PM
574087, I'm more curious as to
Posted by BrainChild, Tue Jul-26-11 01:10 PM
how Dean and Heylia got together.
574117, Dean?
Posted by gumz, Tue Jul-26-11 04:26 PM
574154, Yeah i was wondering that as well in the preview
Posted by josephmurf2384, Wed Jul-27-11 08:48 AM
LMAO @ him still being afraid of Celia. She gave him PTSD
575699, Man I REALLY hope they don't bring back Celia, tho.
Posted by spades, Tue Aug-09-11 11:15 AM
577426, Nancy Botwin Must Die
Posted by Dae021, Thu Aug-25-11 01:48 PM
577510, cosign
Posted by spades, Fri Aug-26-11 03:32 PM
577451, Michelle Trachtenberg is BAD.
Posted by PierreOrdinaire, Thu Aug-25-11 05:01 PM
That is all.
577512, yeah, I don't know what it is but she does something to me too...
Posted by spades, Fri Aug-26-11 03:45 PM
581832, nice breaking bad season 3 ending.
Posted by al_sharp, Tue Sep-27-11 12:27 AM
lol. i keed.

those 3 stoner army dudes btw? hilarious. i'd watch a spinoff show based entirely around them.

avy: our new album. you may just like it. listen for free online @ http://theyesyesyalls.com

581874, i laughed
Posted by BrainChild, Tue Sep-27-11 09:12 AM
when jill started playing their game with them.
581927, Jenji, on the finale (link) (SPOILER)
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Sep-27-11 11:47 AM


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Back for 22 mo' -- January 2012

581977, So very weak.
Posted by PierreOrdinaire, Tue Sep-27-11 04:30 PM

No way they killed her off, and that just turns the final scene into such a disappointment. Why do we hear the gunshot? Oh, she simply gets clipped in the shoulder and is right as rain next season? Bullshit.
581986, So who shot her
Posted by Y2Flound, Tue Sep-27-11 05:54 PM
Jenji says there are clues throughout the season and she has definitely screwed over plenty of people in the past.

Is Conrad behind it?
Someone from U-turn's camp?
Someone from the DEA pissed about her marrying the dude and getting him killed?

I personally lean to the U turn story having something to do with it because his name was mentioned a few times during the season and then the whole ass tattoo thing in the finale. Doesn't make too much sense though so not sure how that would happen.

I've hated on this show a lot but I'm actually interested in the show coming back after the finale now for the first time in a while.
<---- High Octane
582494, What happened with Emma?
Posted by YourUserName, Fri Sep-30-11 07:53 PM
I missed her one mention.
588631, White bitch not dead yet: Weeds renewed for season 8 (swipe)
Posted by ZooTown74, Wed Nov-16-11 02:58 PM

>Showtime Renews ‘Weeds’ For Season 8

By NELLIE ANDREEVA Thursday November 10, 2011 @ 3:33pm PST

After lengthy negotiations with Lionsgate, Showtime has closed a deal for an eighth season of comedy Weeds. Production on the 13-episode eighth season will start next year for a 2012 launch.

Weeds, created by Jenji Kohan, is the longest-running series on Showtime and the most watched comedy. It stars Mary-Louise Parker as a suburban widow-turned- full-fledged marijuana queenpin. Justin Kirk, Hunter Parrish, Alexander Gould and Kevin Nealon co-star.

Scared money don't...
588687, RE: Weeds Season 7
Posted by GQ, Wed Nov-16-11 09:15 PM
admission: i'm off the bandwagon - show iS BEYOND TIRED!
588792, This has GOT to be the last season, might as well finish it out.
Posted by spades, Thu Nov-17-11 12:01 PM