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Topic subjectLOST Finale Predictions Post.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=519136
519136, LOST Finale Predictions Post.
Posted by hateur, Sat May-22-10 06:53 PM

Juliette will be Jack's ex-wife/mother of his son.

Jin & Sun's daughter will somehow be significant.

Walt will appear (that's a wish, not a prediction lol).

519137, i predict we never learn what the 'light' is
Posted by AZ, Sat May-22-10 07:18 PM
nor why the island needs a "protector"

nor what would happen to the world if smokey left the island

nor who the crazy island woman that killed jacob and other guy's mom was

519141, Prediction: Rjcc will not be happy.
Posted by xbenzive, Sat May-22-10 07:45 PM


519148, It's gonna suck.
Posted by Nopayne, Sat May-22-10 09:06 PM
519159, RE: LOST Finale Predictions Post.
Posted by movement, Sat May-22-10 11:28 PM
I've said for a while now that I think this is what is going to be what it is:

Locke is having surgery, and Jack is preforming the surgery.
The people in Lost are a by product of the medication.
The light is heaven/after life. If Locke gets to it, it all goes out, and life as the island knows it stops.
LAX world is the real world.
The producers say "gotcha!, idiots!"

This doesn't explain desmond, and him beating the shot out of people to make them see their island selfs.

I really hope I am wrong, cause I will be pissed, regardless, it'll be some stupid shit, because there is no way to wrap it all up now.
519162, Even by Lost logic, this makes no sense.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun May-23-10 02:06 AM
519163, i'll be happy if this happens
Posted by xangeluvr, Sun May-23-10 02:47 AM
in jack's attempt to destroy smokey, he takes the c4 bricks that ben didn't use, straps them to kate, and hurls her at MIB.

i don't give a shit if MIB dies or not or really what happens to anyone else or the island, just so long as kate goes kaboom.
519165, good call about juliet...
Posted by Af-1, Sun May-23-10 06:46 AM
I keep waiting for her to reappear and say the words she was saying to Sawyer when she was dying on the island.
519176, Pylons, bait, and fireworks nm
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun May-23-10 10:14 AM
This place gets off on two and clamors for the third.



also on Facebook
519181, I predict even if it disappoints, I will still have loved this show.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun May-23-10 11:21 AM
Even with all its logic flaws and its bullshit and its making it up as it goes.

It's produced some wonderful characters, some great intrigue and mystery, and some of my favorite episodes and moments on TV in the last four years (Walkabout, the Season 2 premiere, the Season 3 finale, The Constant). Even if the wheels fell off and they complicated things too much in the last 1.5 to 2 seasons, making it so they could never answer all the questions they'd created, it's still for the most part been enormously entertaining.

I want a lot out of tonight's finale, and I feel that despite the bullshit Jacob ep, Cuse and Lindelof have written many of the best individual eps this show has ever seen, so it's in the right hands and hopefully they won't dick us around too much. But even if they do... I've enjoyed the ride enough to get to this moment that I won't curse the gods and punch the walls if it ends up sucking. It'll just be a bitter end to an otherwise enjoyable show.
519190, cosign.
Posted by xbenzive, Sun May-23-10 12:15 PM
My prediction: The Sideways is flashforwards.

519195, ^^^Well said
Posted by daveyoriginal, Sun May-23-10 01:31 PM
I just want the finale to address the Dharma Initiative and its true origins (i.e. who truly was behind it/its overall significance) since so much of the show has been devoted to it.

"Justice is what love looks like in public."
-Cornel West
519213, wasn't the guy who started the dharma initiative...
Posted by al_sharp, Sun May-23-10 04:07 PM
a descendent of the captain of the black rock?

i've just assumed they were after the same thing everyone who was ever on the island was after...figuring out the magnetic shit and experimenting on it.

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519210, word up.
Posted by al_sharp, Sun May-23-10 04:05 PM

avy: our new album. you may just like it. listen for free online @ http://theyesyesyalls.com

519218, You are aware this is the internet right? You must get angry!
Posted by Y2Flound, Sun May-23-10 04:27 PM
Don't let that several years of entertaining you BS get in the way, you must be angry at the end and perhaps even post a facebook status about how bad it was.

<-----Iron Sheik fuck Nas in the ass, make him humble
519223, i'm still a fan but, i honestly wish i never saw this season
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun May-23-10 05:45 PM
they've done a few interesting things but most of the 'answers' have been bleh
519197, RE: LOST Finale Predictions Post.
Posted by balance525, Sun May-23-10 01:41 PM
My Predictions -

this thing with the source has me thinking that both Unlocke and the next candidate are going to have to enter the cave of the source together and kinda "reset" what ever went wrong and maybe that's what causes the island to go under water. or just that UnLocke and the Candidate will have to do something to "cancel" each other out.

i get this idea from the matrix trilogy. neo and agent smith were kinda one in the same. they fought but could never finish each other off. then neo realizes that he has to let smith put his imprint on him and so they end up balancing the equation (end the war). basically they both had to return to the source to reset the matrix thus creating peace.

i wanted to do an in-depth comparison of the two but couldn't really find the right angle. but there are mad similarities between lost and the matrix trilogy. from religious themes, to philosophy, to the theme of "man vs science/machine." but the matrix is more of a story about one character's quest. lost has too many main characters with purpose. but it seems like the message is the same...saving/discovering yourself (finding your purpose) means saving the world.

I thought we'd have more answers revealed by now but since the show is a mystery at heart, maybe the ending is the reveal of all reveals.

we'll see how this ends. i wanna prepare myself for disappointment but man...I put 6 years into this show...faithfully. everytime i start to doubt the show they do some wild shit and they totally redeem themselves. let's hope the trend continues.
519203, The Island is in a snowglobe, being stared at by Walt
Posted by Marauder21, Sun May-23-10 02:57 PM
Who is now 37.
519208, one name - WALT
Posted by DJ007, Sun May-23-10 03:49 PM

http://www.zazzle.com/auteurronin*<------BUY ONE OF MY T-SHIRTS PLEASE, Don't treat them like that movie Necessary Roughness and ignore them...lol
519209, RE: LOST Finale Predictions Post.
Posted by roaches, Sun May-23-10 03:55 PM
A ukulele cover of "Don't Stop Believin" starts playing, then the screen cuts to black.
519214, i hope they end with a giant musical number just to fuck with everyone.
Posted by al_sharp, Sun May-23-10 04:08 PM
avy: our new album. you may just like it. listen for free online @ http://theyesyesyalls.com

519215, Jack and Locke should do this
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun May-23-10 04:15 PM
519217, lol
Posted by al_sharp, Sun May-23-10 04:25 PM

avy: our new album. you may just like it. listen for free online @ http://theyesyesyalls.com

519225, greatest show EVER if it did.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Sun May-23-10 06:20 PM
519219, It'll end with an 8-minute monologue by Kate about Aaron and
Posted by Sponge, Sun May-23-10 04:51 PM
will be followed by another Lost title card which is preceded by an intertitle with the word Viewers.
519226, RJCC will call of you idiots, say LOST sucks and GO IN and
Posted by SankofaII, Sun May-23-10 06:25 PM
519233, The final 5 minutes is gonna be the writers room, pointing and laughing.
Posted by Ryan M, Sun May-23-10 07:03 PM
Foreal tho...I haven't watched since Season 4 cause I stopped caring, but I'm gonna watch the recap and the finale. I dunno why.