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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectI hate medical drama's that require a huge suspecion of disbelief
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=518976&mesg_id=518991
518991, I hate medical drama's that require a huge suspecion of disbelief
Posted by BigReg, Fri May-21-10 08:20 AM
Now don't get me wrong, TV has a history of crazy ass 'Bring him to Emergency stat...he time travelled into Chernobyl and has 20 years of radiation, can we cure him' type medical cases they to to fake ramp up drama.

But like, in something like House, what little ive seen, when they bring in preposterous stuff like that it's a showcase for House to do what he does best: be an asshole and solve shit. It's like a cranky, asshole Sherlock Holmes.

Other shows, it just seems like cheap writing.