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Topic subjectBroken Embraces (Los abrazos rotos)(almodovar)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=487668
487668, Broken Embraces (Los abrazos rotos)(almodovar)
Posted by lfresh, Fri Nov-20-09 12:59 AM
any almodovar fans?


The film centers on a four-way tale of dangerous love, and was shot in the style of a hard-boiled 1950s American film noir, more themed to the neo-noir genre. The cast includes many Almodóvar regulars such as Ángela Molina, Lola Dueñas and Penélope Cruz (her fourth film with the director). The film's soundtrack features acclaimed artists such as Cat Power, Uffie, and Can.

~via wiki
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
dudes with glasses are hot
487697, Good Look.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Nov-20-09 09:28 AM
May check this out tonight.

"Play Your Game" (c) Stan Van Gundy
487733, RE: Good Look.
Posted by Rolo_Tomasi, Fri Nov-20-09 01:22 PM
three quarters of this film is excellent but I felt the last part was really lacking. Its certainly better than Volver but Broken Embraces is not of the standard of Almodovar's All About My Mother.
487923, =) let me know what you think
Posted by lfresh, Sat Nov-21-09 06:37 PM
wasn't able to get to it this weekend
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
dudes with glasses are hot
487928, I really thought this film was fantastic
Posted by chief1284, Sat Nov-21-09 07:25 PM
A return to form for Almodovar after a few slightly lackluster films. Too tired for me to go in detail, and I watched it months ago, but just adding my thumbs up for anyone on the fence.
488108, I thought this was awful
Posted by blue23, Mon Nov-23-09 09:39 AM
Sure melodrama and bad/over acting is to be expected with Almodovar but the story for this one was just so soap opera saccharine and felt so artificial it was hard for me to even take it seriously. Penelope Cruz is excellent but she couldn't save this from itself.
491725, but.... those are the things we love Almodovar for!
Posted by LAX, Tue Dec-15-09 03:26 AM
Finally saw this movie after reading about it for what seemed like a year. It a'ight.
491755, Yeah it's just not for me...
Posted by blue23, Tue Dec-15-09 10:39 AM
If I hadn't been at a screening with my girl (who loved it) I would have left.
490149, interesting back to back replies...i still haven't seen it
Posted by lfresh, Sun Dec-06-09 01:14 AM
was foiled last weekend and this weekend
i'm aiming for next weekend
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
491773, i really enjoyed it
Posted by zero, Tue Dec-15-09 12:15 PM
but i don't know how much i liked it. the melodrama kept me off-balance the whole time so i couldn't actually tell what was happening some of the time. (slight spoiler) for instance, i couldn't tell if harry caine was actually blind for the entire movie. i thought the dude was faking it until about 3/4 of the way into the movie.

with that said, its an enjoyable movie to watch. i guess i'm one of the few people that actually liked volver, which i preferred to this, but its still worth seeing for any almodovar fans.
491799, I really want to love one of his films
Posted by colonelk, Tue Dec-15-09 02:15 PM
He's such a skilled craftsman.

But the melodrama is always too much for me. I feel like he should be working in outright genre. Like Cronenberg, it would both focus and excuses his excesses.

491803, i thought this was great.
Posted by dunk, Tue Dec-15-09 02:22 PM
one of the best i've seen this year. Almodovar's style is steadily growing on me and I found myself really engrossed in the story (even though his endings always slightly dissapoint me with the exception of Volver) and Penelope looked more beautiful than ever since Almo knows how to light her perfectly with his eyes closed and back turned.

I wouldn't be surprised if the cinematography got an oscar nom. the visuals throughout the story just pop out at you.

i'd recommend it to any almovodar fan, any penelope fan and any fan and soap opera fanatics. Unlike some of the replies this wasn't as melodramatic as his past films but it definitely steers in that direction once again.

494875, It was too cliche and predictable to be almodovar to me.
Posted by quakka1, Sun Jan-03-10 03:36 PM
I still liked it, but its not "Volver" or "All About My Mother".
494883, i forgot i made this post
Posted by lfresh, Sun Jan-03-10 04:00 PM
i saw it in dec the first cold snap of the year
i was determined

it was worth the effort
but i'm an almodovar fan

interesting storyline
great cinematography
the usual almodovar greatness
smart dumb niggas i see is the theme of the week on okp (c)esb
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
494906, I liked it, but they could have trimmed about 20 minutes from it
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Jan-03-10 05:28 PM
Cruz was excellent, and Homar was solid as well. However, this felt pretty darn long, and I found the narrative ground to a halt after they showed "the accident." I also think the "Ray X" character was pretty unnecessary as a whole. I thought all the allusions to "Women on a Verge of Nervous Breakdown" was a cute touch. Good movie, but "Volver" was better.
494908, The one film I have yet to see during this season that I want to see
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jan-03-10 05:30 PM

also on Facebook
494923, Oh god, I want to see this SO Badly...
Posted by Valium, Sun Jan-03-10 06:04 PM
I love anything that Almodovar directs, hope it comes to my neck of the woods soon.