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Topic subjectComic heads - post your top 10 X-Men
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351553, Comic heads - post your top 10 X-Men
Posted by McDeezNuts, Tue Feb-19-08 05:45 PM
Here's mine:

1) Wolverine - SNIKT! Who else can go at the top? This is probably a boring and predictable choice, but he is one of the coolest characters ever. Even if they did kinda fuck up his history/origin. Awesome powers, the coolest personality, and the ultimate badass.

2) Nighcrawler - BAMF! The swashbuckling "elf" always appealed to me. He has a cool as shit power and is an overall great character.

3) Psylocke - A super hot ninja chick with a psychic knife and a great outfit? How do you top that? Not feeling the whole tranferred consciousness angle, but whatever.

4) Beast - Blue fur is cool. It like the idea to make a super brainy ape-like dude, even cooler since his agility and reflexes are his main power and not just strength.

5) Colossus - Had the potential to be really dumb (a super strong guy made of metal?), but they made it work. And he's Russian (brings to mind Rocky IV). I like that he has to turn into his steel body and doesn't stay that way like Thing or Beast.

6) Shadowcat - Definitely makes the most out of a kinda wimpy power. Pretty cool chick that's probably too high on the list, but I like her and that's that.
Also, she has the coolest combination of hero name (Shadowcat) and her normal identity (Kitty Pryde) {Dense folks - all three are cat references}. Plus Lockheed is the shit.

7) Gambit - Explosive playing cards, a streetfighter with a mysterious and shady background, and a Cajun accent? Sounds like a cool character to me. Not sure why he uses a staff instead of a better weapon though.

8) Archangel - Pretty cool despite the potential lameness of a flying dude with wings and no other powers. I liked him best when he had the metal wings and blades. That was cool as shit, and gave him a weapon too.

9) Rogue - Sexy with a cool power and great accent. Of course, without the permanent theft from Ms. Marvel she'd be pretty limited. I do like that her power is actually a cool limitation too.

10) Bishop - Great power and cool weapons. And he's from the future. You can't fuck with Bishop.

Just missed the top 10:
11) Jean Grey / Phoenix - Sexy with awesome powers, but the whole Phoenix thing dwarfs all that. There are lots of awesome stories that revolved around her, but unfortunately, there are lots of dumb ones too. Before the whole Phoenix thing she would have definitely been top 10. During the middle of it, she would have been near the top, because she was such a fucking badass. But after it was all over... ehh.

Honorable mentions:
- Magneto! He's cool as shit but not really eligible - yes, he was an X-Man for awhile, but he will always be a villain to me... one of Marvel's coolest villains, at that (Doom is still my favorite).
- Cable (don't know much about him, but what I do know is cool as shit - he has to hold himself together using TK? that's fucking cool)
- Iceman (makes the most of a kinda lame power, and I like his personality)
- Storm (badass, Halle Berry does her no justice... but didn't make the top 10)
- Longshot (very cool power and cool dude, but the whole Mojo shit is extra lame)
- Havok (definitely cooler than Cyclops, but not distinctive enough of a personality to make the list)

Dishonorable mention - Cyclops. He has a cool power, but what a douchebag.

PS Fuck IGN's list top 25 list (http://comics.ign.com/articles/708/708826p1.html). It sucks.

Psylocke at # 22? Insulting.
Wolverine at # 4? Ridiculous.
Cyclops at # 1? Fuck that lame.
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Feb-19-08 06:57 PM

they must be europeans writing this ish
351579, He's gotten a LOT cooler in the past couple months
Posted by buckshot defunct, Tue Feb-19-08 07:35 PM
But yeah, that shit is uncalled for
351576, RE: Comic heads - post your top 10 X-Men
Posted by apathetic, Tue Feb-19-08 07:21 PM
1. Nightcrawler
2. Colossus
3. Iceman
4. Wolverine
5. Magneto
6. Bishop
7. Morph
8. Apocalypse
9. Sauron (god only knows what the fuck that was)
10. Cable
351578, RE: Comic heads - post your top 10 X-Men
Posted by buckshot defunct, Tue Feb-19-08 07:32 PM
1. Multiple Man
2. Multiple Man
3. Multiple Man
4. Multiple Man
5. Multiple Man
6. Multiple Man
7. Multiple Man
8. Multiple Man
9. Multiple Man
10. Multiple Man
351601, lol
Posted by McDeezNuts, Tue Feb-19-08 09:59 PM
353246, Want to add nine more?
Posted by McDeezNuts, Mon Feb-25-08 10:58 AM
351600, My turn, my turn...
Posted by phenompyrus, Tue Feb-19-08 09:58 PM
1 - Wolverine - Who else?

2 - Cyclops - Recently, he has gotten infinitely cooler.

3 - Archangel - Criminally underused over the past couple years.

4 - Beast - My former #1, until they made him look like a cat. I still hate that shit.

5 - Emma Frost - Great idea having her as Cyke's new love interest.

6 - Phoenix - Fuck it, she is still a badass.

7 - Iceman

8 - Chamber - One of the most original characters when he had his chest blown out. He could of been one of the coolest characters around if they used him right.

9 - Magneto - Still their best villain after all these years.

10 - Nightcrawler

Honorable mentions: Storm, Rogue, Colossus
351604, 1. Gambit
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Feb-19-08 10:28 PM
2. Wolverine
3. Rogue
4. Beast
5. Cable
6. Iceman
7. Professor X
8. Bishop
9. Nightcrawler
10. Jean Grey (since I shouldn't count Dark Phoenix, since that's a villain)
351609, 1. Gambit
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Feb-19-08 10:39 PM
2. Wolverine
3. Iceman
4. Storm
5. Magneto
6. Nightcrawler
7. Phoenix
8. Cable
9. Xavier
10. Beast
351612, I stopped reading in the mid/late 90s
Posted by will_5198, Tue Feb-19-08 11:02 PM
so this is solely based on that ten-year window preceding:

1. Wolverine - Predictable, but who else could it really be? Yellow and blue suit, drawn by Jim Lee.

2. Magneto (Age of Apocalypse) - One of the most powerful mutants on Earth, but using it for the good guys. Also the best look for him artistically.

3. Nightcrawler - Character-wise, he can be boring but he definitely has the one power every kid dreamed of.

4. Iceman - I dunno, I liked Iceman's power. He could fly and never took things seriously. Again, the hair and no nose/mouth look was done best in AoA.

5. Blink (Age of Apocalypse) - Short run, but definitely my favorite female character. Her power was ridiculous...a female Nightcrawler who could also throw darts that made other people/things teleport. Maduriera did a sick job on her redesign too.

6. Archangel - As a feathery angel = boring and wimpy. Give him metal wings and flying razors = badass.

7. Beast - His power sucks but it was cool he had smarts.

8. Rogue - Other than taking people's powers her overall skills were kinda boring -- though she made up for it in personality.

9. Psylocke - Cold asian killer with the best female outfit in series' history. Jim Lee killed it.

10. Professor X - Gotta have Xavier on any list...just because.
351620, My list
Posted by Michi, Tue Feb-19-08 11:42 PM
1.Storm - clearly a leader; relatively speaking she's had a good continuity of character
2.Nightcrawler - charming, funny and has an inherently great contrast of power and personality
3.Jubilee - I just like her. She has pretty flippant personality. I keep hoping that she would be more interesting in 'New Warriors' considering how Generation M showed her, but the series' writing is pretty weak.
4.Chamber - great power and interesting character. Also, 'New Warriors' is dropping the ball on him. As a matter of fact, I should stop reading it beacuse it wastes a good premise full of interesting characters (Beak, Angel, Stacy X and half of the Omega Gang).
5.Marvel Girl (AKA Rachel grey) but more when she was Pheonix III) - I love her powers and her attitude. And she has great daddy and stepmom issues.
6.Mystique - just plain bad-ass and a great original costume. She has a soft side. Clearly a bisexual mutant.
7.Emma Frost - I've always like her. She's the ultimate bad girl. I hope she's using Cyclops because what could she see in him? Also, I hate her diamond form; it's inconsistent and there's one Colossus.
8. Magneto - another bad ass, but a thinker and leader when written well
9. U-Go Girl - another great back story and character.
10. Prof. X

Honorable Mention: Molly (AKA Princess Powerful)
If a character on the list has to be removed, then add Nocturne, Beast, of Blink (AOA) or Shadowcat.
351631, You already know my number one
Posted by KneelB4Me, Wed Feb-20-08 12:26 AM
First X-man. Superhero to the core. LASERS FROM HIS FUCKING EYES! (I don't see how that alone doesn't rank higher with y'all) And he pulls the baddest bitches.

2. Storm - Not even Halle Berry's whack-ass Kenyan accent can knock her off the list.

3. Gambit - Cool ass character, but trapped in the most pointless love story since number 1 on my list. Hopefully they'll let him and Rogue dead that shit soon.

4. Emma Frost - "Superpowers. Scintillating wit. And the best body money can buy." (Astonishing X-Men #1) The diamond form separates her from every other telepath in the book's history (and there are a lot of them). The relationship with Cyke has shown her softer side but hasn't changed the character much.

5. Wolverine - 'Cause he just has to be here somewhere. A Canadian Clint Eastwood with metal claws. Can't really fuckwiddit.

6. Iceman - The angst of the rest of the cast hasn't really rubbed off on him, despite all the bullshit he's had to put up with. Just needs that one writer to bring out his full potential.

7. Madrox - His post-death personality suits him better than Strong Guy's sidekick as he was in the 2nd version of X-Factor. I still want to see him in a movie that doesn't suck.

8. Colossus - Stoic artist who will kill you for fucking with him and his. Just ask Proteus.

9. Nightcrawler - Like Iceman, has a lot to be angst-y about, but doesn't let it get him down. The religious aspect is a nice contrast to his demonic appearance.

10. Rogue - Southern bombshell any man would kill to touch, but whose touch would kill. Shakespeare couldn't have done it any better.

Trill Niggas Don't Die....
351632, In no particular order...
Posted by Marbles, Wed Feb-20-08 12:37 AM

Rogue- She has (had?) one of the most unique & freshest powers out there. I really enjoyed the fact that she had to carry the cross of stealing Ms. Marvel's powers & memories permanently. That was a great twist but I understand they got more than enough mileage out of it.

Colossus- The big, tough, stoic powerhouse. Always levelheaded.

Iceman- He was criminally underused and still is, IMO. When Emma Frost showed him how he wasn't living up to his potential, I thought he was going to make a come-up.

Banshee- Again, criminally underused. He came into his own when he served as the mentor for Generation X. Too bad that lame-ass Vulcan had to kill him.

Cyclops- This is weird. I've never been a fan of Cyclops but I've come to understand his character and why he is the way he is. He adds a very imprtant aspect to the book.

Warpath- I've always been a fan of his, since he almost murdered Prof. X. His character development has been very down-to-earth and real. I hope they don't blow all of that with this X-Force garbage.

Jean Grey- She always had potential to be a good character but they tied her down by keeping her wrapped up in either Cyclops or another Phoenix story.

Beast- One of the most unique personalities on the team but they've really turned him into a punk in recent years.

Wolverine- I don't love him as much as most people but he brings a lot to the table. I'd argue that he's as much the heart of the team as Cyclops is.

Storm- But I preferred normal Storm. Not overly retconned, African Queen Storm.

5 Most Hated X-Men...

Havok- He's Cyclops lite and always will be. He doesn't have the gravitas that Cyclops does and I wish they'd quit pretending that he does. I hope he stays way out in space.

Longshot- He's just corny and always has been. The Mojoworld stuff is just terrible.

Psylocke- She was OK as a simple telepath but the whole Asian ninja thing was dumb. I hope she never returns.

Gambit- He always came across as Wolverine lite. Oooooohhhh, look at him, he's soooooo mysterious and deadly. He's lame.

Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers)- I hope that the entire Summers bloodline goes sterile. No more hidden brothers or kids from the future or alternate timelines. Rachel was OK when she first showed up as a refugee from Days of Future Past. But she has played herself way out. She can stay in outer space too.


*** MARBLES ***

351633, Only X - Men?
Posted by Hitokiri, Wed Feb-20-08 12:38 AM
1. Nightcrawler
2. Wolverine
3. ShadowCat
4. Storm
5. Psylocke
6. Blink
7. Gambit
8. Sage
9. Beast (though I hate cat-Beast)
10. Iceman

Honorary mentions: Darwin (such a fucking cool power plus he's black and latino)
351635, My top 10.
Posted by K. Dot, Wed Feb-20-08 12:47 AM
Wolverine - When I first heard of the X-men, he was instantly my favorite. I love his "I go where I wanna go" attitude. I HATED what they did with his finally uncovered past though. That was beyond wack.

Gambit - Shadowy past, red eyes, and cards with kinetic energy? Gambit is and always will be one of my favorite X-men.

Bishop - Time traveler with big guns. Bishop is just cool.

Cable - Another time traveler I like. His ongoing struggle with Apocalypse was great to me.

Rogue - I've always thought Rogue and her super strength and flight capabilities were cool. She deserves to be on this list.

Iceman - Bobby Drake's goof-off attitude and the different ways he can use his powers always kept me interested in his character.

Colossus - Whoever created this character, I applaud them. His character design is awesome to me. I also just love metal heroes.

Psylocke - One of the sexiest X-men characters. A british/asian ninja with a red scar on the eye? It can't get any better than that.

Nightcrawler - I don't really have much to say about Nightcrawler besides the fact that he is a very likeable character.

Storm - I just love how powerful of a mutant she is with the elements. She also has that leadership edge which is cool to me.
351636, Including the X-Affilated teams:
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Feb-20-08 12:54 AM

1. Wolverine. Duh.
2. Emma Frost
3. hadowcat
4. Madrox
5. Beast
6. Cyclops, based off of recent developments
7. Bishop
8. Strong Guy
9. Nightcrawler
10. Siryn
351669, #1 Maggot
Posted by Shaun_G, Wed Feb-20-08 10:29 AM
'nuff said

Shaun G.
351674, I started to add him to my list
Posted by KneelB4Me, Wed Feb-20-08 10:51 AM
But I couldn't even type it with a straight face.

Trill Niggas Don't Die....
352042, Okayplayer's Top X-Men
Posted by McDeezNuts, Thu Feb-21-08 01:26 PM
I tabulated everyone's rankings to create OKP's Top X-Men. If anyone else wants to play, go ahead and post 'em - I'll add them and redo the totals. {Aren't there more Prep-Time Posse folks than this?}

I awarded 10 points for # 1, 9 points for # 2, and so on (1 point for 10th).

The following posters are currently included (14 total): mcdeeznuts__apathetic__buckshot__phenompyrus__longo__brooklyn__will__michi__kneel__marbles__hitokiri__k.Dot__mrhood__shaunG.

Buckshot and ShaunG - I just counted you guys as having a # 1 only. You can fill in the rest and I'll update.

Marbles - I assumed the order you listed them was from 1-10. Feel free to rearrange and I'll rescore your list.

Here's the list right now:
1) Wolverine - 92 points (5 1st place votes, on 11 ballots)
2) Nightcrawler - 60 points (2 1st place votes, on 11 ballots)
3) Iceman - 51 points (0, 9 ballots)
4) Gambit - 45 points (2, 6 ballots)
5) Beast - 37 points (0, 8 ballots)
6) Storm - 35 points (1, 6 ballots)
7) Colossus - 31 points (0, 5 ballots)
8) Rogue - 30 points (1, 6 ballots)
8) Cyclops - 30 points (1, 4 ballots)
10) Magneto - 26 points (0, 5 ballots)
10) Emma Frost - 26 points (0, 4 ballots)

12) Bishop - 21 points (0, 5 ballots)
12) Multiple Man - 21 points (1, 3 ballots)
12) Shadowcat - 21 points (0, 3 ballots)
352260, up to page 1 --- any more votes?
Posted by McDeezNuts, Fri Feb-22-08 08:59 AM
352272, In order:
Posted by MistaGoodBar, Fri Feb-22-08 10:16 AM
Professor X
352358, 1. WOLVERINE
Posted by 13Rose, Fri Feb-22-08 02:45 PM
2. Gambit
3. Storm
4. Iceman
5. Rogue
6. Angel (blue angel)
7. Psylocke
8. Bishop
9. Beast
10. Jean Grae
352361, Update including MistaGoodBar and 13Rose
Posted by McDeezNuts, Fri Feb-22-08 02:55 PM
1) Wolverine - 112 points (7 1st place votes, on 13 ballots)
2) Nightcrawler - 64 points (2 1st place votes, on 12 ballots)
2) Iceman - 64 points (0, 11 ballots)
4) Gambit - 54 points (2, 7 ballots)
5) Rogue - 43 points (1, 8 ballots)
5) Storm - 43 points (1, 7 ballots)
7) Colossus - 40 points (0, 6 ballots)
8) Beast - 39 points (0, 9 ballots)
9) Cyclops - 30 points (1, 4 ballots)
10) Bishop - 26 points (0, 7 ballots)
10) Magneto - 26 points (0, 5 ballots)
10) Emma Frost - 26 points (0, 4 ballots)
13) Psylocke - 24 points (0, 6 ballots)
14) Multiple Man - 21 points (1, 3 ballots)
14) Archangel - 21 points (0, 4 ballots)
14) Shadowcat - 21 points (0, 3 ballots)
17) Cable - 17 points (0, 4 ballots)
18) Professor X - 16 points (0, 5 ballots)
19) Jean Grey / Phoenix - 15 points (0, 5 ballots)
20) Blink - 11 points (0, 2 ballots)
22) Chamber - 10 points (0, 2 ballots)
22) Maggot - 10 points (1, 1 ballot)

Then there are 14 others mentioned on only one ballot.
352465, Wolverine in 1st place, with a random 9 people tied for 2nd*.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sat Feb-23-08 01:59 PM
Even when I'd grown out of comic books, when I'd go back over 'em sometimes, I'd skip to the Wolverine scenes.

*Random choices will never ever include Cyclops.
352469, I'll play
Posted by SepiaSylph, Sat Feb-23-08 02:28 PM
Professor X.
Monet St. Croix

Eff Cyclops and Jean Grey (Phoenix is cool though)
352595, RE: Comic heads - post your top 10 X-Men
Posted by Caz_Nova, Sun Feb-24-08 01:05 PM
1. Moonstar - Yeah I know not really important in the grand scheme of things, but still my favorite X-Man ever.

2. Nightcrawler - Pirate. And he hit Spiderman in the head with a Brick. That's just plain awesome.

3. Cannonball - Again not really important in the grandscheme of things, but he's been criminally slept on for years. He beat Gladiator... by himself.

4. Jubilee - Also underused. I remember when she was Wolverine's Sidekick, I also remember when she became a character on her own.

5. Boom Boom/Meltdown - Tabitha is amusing, I don't really have a reason why she's amusing, but I still love her.

6. Synch - The most pointless, studidest death in Marvel history, well the second most, (They killed Cap for god's sake) Synch was a natural born leader, level headed and everything, and the kid was straight out of STL.

7. Iceman - Criminally Underrated. Bobby Drake has been one of the most consistently amusing/funny/enjoyable characters in marvel.

8. Banshee - Awesome X-Man. Great Leader. His family story alone makes him worth my interest.

9. Storm - Ororo has been the leader of the Morlocks, She's been Thor, She's led the X-Men on several Occasions, and her character has always been interesting. She also wore a Mohawk.

10. Chamber - The last few issues of Gen X really impressed upon me Chamber's character. Certainly the issue with him at the Record Store with the Deaf Girl, really made me connect with him.

Honorable Mentions - Wolverine, Madrox, Sunspot, Siren, Morph, Shadowcat, Pete Wisdom

<--- Everett Thomas A.K.A. Synch

Now That's What's Up

What am I, if I can't be yours...

353124, RE: Comic heads - post your top 10 X-Men
Posted by Michi, Mon Feb-25-08 01:03 AM
I cannot agree with you more on #6. Synch was a good character with a lot of potential. He died in a lame way. Why? Because he's a black man. Female characters never really die (b/c they can come back hotter), but his death was lame.
353131, How did he die again? I forget.
Posted by K. Dot, Mon Feb-25-08 01:15 AM
>I cannot agree with you more on #6. Synch was a good
>character with a lot of potential. He died in a lame way. Why?
>Because he's a black man. Female characters never really die
>(b/c they can come back hotter), but his death was lame.
353317, RE: How did he die again? I forget.
Posted by Caz_Nova, Mon Feb-25-08 01:50 PM
Adrienne Blew up the bloody school.
<--- Everett Thomas A.K.A. Synch

Now That's What's Up

What am I, if I can't be yours...

353354, Damn, that IS lame. It's funny how every hero/villian
Posted by K. Dot, Mon Feb-25-08 03:04 PM
always come back to life but he has yet to be revived. That is so wack.
353555, RE: Damn, that IS lame. It's funny how every hero/villian
Posted by Michi, Tue Feb-26-08 12:12 AM
They're not bring back Angelo Espinoza, his Mexican-American classmate either. Hell, they almost killed off Chamber, but he's white and British.
353582, It's like with comics, you just KNOW if the hero dies
Posted by K. Dot, Tue Feb-26-08 12:53 AM
they will be brought back to life in unbelievable fashion eventually but it seems like they're just gonna not ever put Everett back in the pages. They know they could easily write him into the next issue of whatever series somehow but it looks like they just want to keep him dead and with him, it seems like they mean it.
353762, I feel you on Synch...
Posted by engineegro, Tue Feb-26-08 02:04 PM
He was a badass from the first story he was in when he was standing in front of abotu 30 cops with guns on him and he just stood there with his hat to the back cool as hell. What was that, the Phalanx Covenant storyline or something. Wasn't he kicking it with Jubilee and Monet at the same time too? Man, I can't remember all these storylines anyone lol.
353116, so...no one voted for Morph?
Posted by UncleClimax, Mon Feb-25-08 12:22 AM
353312, RE: so...no one voted for Morph?
Posted by Caz_Nova, Mon Feb-25-08 01:45 PM
I wanted to, but he just didn't make the cut. I do like him, but like Deadpool, I couldn't fit him on the list considering. He's in my top 20 though.
354069, Morph has one vote (7th place = 4 points).
Posted by McDeezNuts, Wed Feb-27-08 01:06 PM
353121, My top 10
Posted by PantherX20, Mon Feb-25-08 12:42 AM
353245, Latest update of the voting
Posted by McDeezNuts, Mon Feb-25-08 10:57 AM
This update adds JFrost (only voted for Wolverine at #1), SepiaSylph (voted for 1-9), Caz_Nova, and PantherX20.

1) Wolverine - 139 points (8 1st place votes, on 16 ballots)
2) Nightcrawler - 83 points (2 1st place votes, on 15 ballots)
2) Iceman - 70 points (0, 13 ballots)
4) Gambit - 61 points (2, 8 ballots)
5) Storm - 60 points (2, 10 ballots)
6) Rogue - 52 points (1, 9 ballots)
7) Colossus - 46 points (0, 7 ballots)
8) Beast - 39 points (0, 9 ballots)
9) Cyclops - 30 points (1, 4 ballots)
9) Psylocke - 30 points (0, 6 ballots)
9) Magneto - 30 points (0, 6 ballots)
12) Bishop - 29 points (0, 8 ballots)
13) Cable - 27 points (1, 5 ballots)
14) Emma Frost - 26 points (0, 4 ballots)
15) Archangel - 22 points (0, 5 ballots)
16) Multiple Man - 21 points (1, 3 ballots)
16) Professor X - 21 points (0, 6 ballots)
16) Shadowcat - 21 points (0, 3 ballots)
19) Maggot - 17 points (1, 2 ballots)
20) Jean Grey / Phoenix - 15 points (0, 5 ballots)
20) Jubilee - 15 points (0, 2 ballots)
22) Cannonball - 13 points (0, 2 ballots)
23) Chamber - 11 points (0, 3 ballots)
23) Blink - 11 points (0, 2 ballots)
25) Moonstar - 10 points (1, 1 ballot)
25) Banshee - 10 points (0, 2 ballots)

Then there are 15 others with less than 10 points mentioned on only one ballot.
353319, Slight Post Jack : Top 3 X-Teams
Posted by Caz_Nova, Mon Feb-25-08 01:56 PM
In addition to your top ten X-Men, I personally would like to know your top 3 Teams.

Mine are:
1. New Mutants/X-Force
2. Generation X
3. Exiles

Honorable Mention to X-Calibur, they had some really dope Characters. Pete Wisdom was that dude.
<--- Everett Thomas A.K.A. Synch

Now That's What's Up

What am I, if I can't be yours...

353557, 1. Generation Next
Posted by will_5198, Tue Feb-26-08 12:14 AM
2. X-Men
3. Astonishing X-Men
353718, hmmm
Posted by McDeezNuts, Tue Feb-26-08 12:54 PM
1) X-Men
2) X-Force (original)
3) X-Factor
4) New Mutants
5) Excaliber?
6) Generation X?
LAST) X-Statix (dumb as shit)

PS I followed Marvel comics heavily from around 1988 to around 1994, then lost touch from 1995-2002 or so.

Starting in '02 or '03, I started checking out as many comics as I could from the library --- new stuff, old stuff, and my favorites from '88-'94, whatever they had.

But I probably haven't bought comics in 10 years or so, so what I've read is very hit or miss.
353750, RE: hmmm
Posted by Michi, Tue Feb-26-08 01:36 PM
X-Static was great. They killed people all the time and deal with fame in a shallow fucked up way. I have to read it again.

I remember thinking it was like the Ultimates except better because it was using new characters. And I love Allred's art it was a good contrast to the plots.
353767, I thought they were super lame
Posted by McDeezNuts, Tue Feb-26-08 02:16 PM
>X-Static was great. They killed people all the time and deal
>with fame in a shallow fucked up way. I have to read it

I suppose this is true, but didn't really endear them to me at all.

>I remember thinking it was like the Ultimates except better
>because it was using new characters. And I love Allred's art
>it was a good contrast to the plots.

They had stupid powers, and had a very different tone from the other X-comics that I didn't really like.

I didn't like the art either.

All this is based on only one or two graphic novels I got from the library, so maybe I'm not giving them a fair shake and they're cooler than they seemed.
354098, damn, really? the art too?!
Posted by buckshot defunct, Wed Feb-27-08 03:08 PM
I thought X-Statix was brilliant
354102, yeah, I just didn't like it.
Posted by McDeezNuts, Wed Feb-27-08 03:31 PM
Take this for example: http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix3/xforcexstatix.htm

All the art on there looks pretty lame to me.

Maybe I missed the whole point of the team. I don't see it.
354115, yeesh man, I honestly dunno what to tell you
Posted by buckshot defunct, Wed Feb-27-08 04:10 PM
I mean Mike Allred is a genius to me, and to a lot of other people.

His work is supposed to be kind of retro and campy. Very "pop" and definitely not in line with the current trends in contemporary american comics.

If you recognize the campy, zany, "socially conscious" vibe of the earlier X-Men books, I think you can appreciate what they were trying to do with X-Statix. It was very fun and very smart in a time where superhero comics were generally neither.

I can understand why a Cable and Shatterstar lovin' 14 year old would have railed against this book when it was coming out, but if you look at it and still think it's lame then there's probably no hope for you liking this book.

354122, gotcha
Posted by McDeezNuts, Wed Feb-27-08 04:37 PM
>I mean Mike Allred is a genius to me, and to a lot of other

That's cool. I guess his style is just not my thing.

>His work is supposed to be kind of retro and campy. Very "pop"
>and definitely not in line with the current trends in
>contemporary american comics.

I definitely see what you mean. I didn't know that, I just thought it was poorly done and kinda boring.

But I just picked up X-Statix at the library because it was an X title and I had no idea what the hell it was, so I had no frame of reference. I just didn't dig the tone or story at all.

>If you recognize the campy, zany, "socially conscious" vibe of
>the earlier X-Men books, I think you can appreciate what they
>were trying to do with X-Statix.

Yeah, the early X-Men stuff wasn't my favorite either.

My favorite time period (for all comics, not just X-Men) was like '88 to '94 (not coincidentally, when I was 11-17 - not to suggest that comics are an adolescent art form, it's just that's when I really got into them).

>It was very fun and very
>smart in a time where superhero comics were generally

True. That much is cool.

>I can understand why a Cable and Shatterstar lovin' 14 year
>old would have railed against this book when it was coming
>out, but if you look at it and still think it's lame then
>there's probably no hope for you liking this book.

Guess not. Maybe if I had the right mindset I would have enjoyed it more, but I still don't think it's my cup of tea.
353326, my list
Posted by jrocc, Mon Feb-25-08 02:14 PM
1. Magneto - how you could have anyone but Magneto at number one is astounding! dude ripped the adamantium right out of Wolverine.

2. Multiple Man - always wished i had his power in real life. can make dupes of himself, then gain their memories, knowledge, skills and experiences. that's awesome!

3. Wolverine - can't really be hurt permanently, heightened senses, unbreakable bones due to adamantium, and claws. what's not to like?

4. Iceman - what can be done with his powers is almost limitless when you think about it.

5. Storm - very cool power and one of the most powerful mutants. awesome fighter even without her powers.

the rest...

6. Gambit
7. Colossus
8. Nightcrawler
9. Beast
10. Bishop
353432, 5 least favorite X-Men...
Posted by phenompyrus, Mon Feb-25-08 06:20 PM
In no particular order...
*Not that I hate these guys, but they are more disappointing than anything*

Gambit - He is really not that bad, but his story as a mysterious loner just gets stale. They should really just kill him. Unless they do some cool shit with Rogue, she falls in this category too.

Bishop - Infinite potential that should and could of been reached in Messiah Complex.

Polaris - She should of been killed long ago.

Colossus - Anybody else feel he was just lame since they brought him back to life?

Marvel Girl - She just sucks. Why is she still around, and who gives a fuck?
353501, I'll play
Posted by Caz_Nova, Mon Feb-25-08 09:45 PM
No particular order.
Mimic - I want to like him I really do, but he's like Cyclops lite to me.

Cyclops - I haven't read anything recently, and while I usually like the stoic all in for the cause character, dude just needs to take a pill and calm down.

Psylocke - Come on man. Just come on. There's just too much going on with her, and very little of it makes sense.

Pietro - I don't really dislike Pietro, in fact outside of the X-Books, he's usually pretty awesome, just keep him with the Avengers thanks.

Rogue - While she's responsible for the rebirth of Carol Danvers as Binary/Warbird, a character I absolutely love, the tortured sexpot thing is really getting old.
<--- Everett Thomas A.K.A. Synch

Now That's What's Up

What am I, if I can't be yours...

354099, Strong Guy......
Posted by rorschach, Wed Feb-27-08 03:10 PM
Angel (NOT Archangel)

The only reason I didn't say Cannonball or Marrow is because Cannonball beat Gladiator and Marrow jammed a bone in Wolverine's throat. But other than that, they're wack too.
The OKP® King of the Late Pass™

"Being the bigger man is overrated." -- Huey (The Boondocks)
353791, 1. Wolverine!!!
Posted by engineegro, Tue Feb-26-08 03:03 PM
No question about Number 1, the GOAT.

2. Storm - The best X-men leader ever in my opinion. Although I don't care for the with the Black Panther.

3. Rogue - Best badass in the X-universe, male or female. The movie didn't do her justice at all.

4. Professor X - Greatest mind in the whole Marvel Universe.

5. Magneto - So bad you can't help but like him. How many times has he died and been resurrected. I think he may have done it more times than Jean.

6. Blink - Since Age of Apocalypse she's been one of my favorites. I really liked the early Exiles stuff too. I even liked the Generation Next Blink because even though she was weak she sacrificed her life to save everyone.

7. Psylocke - Who doesn't like a fly ass telepathic ninja. I liked her in the Jim Lee days the best.

8. Deadpool - I don't think anyone mentioned him. The merc with a mouth has always been a cool character to me, his books have always been hilarious. Even though it seems like Rob Liefeld was biting Spidey a little bit with the design and personality when he created him.

9. Kitty Pryde - I didn't care for her back in the day but grew to like her. I think the old Excalibur and Astonishing X-men sold me on her.

10. Jean Grey - I had to add her, most powerful mutant ever.

Wow I have a lot of the X-ladies on here, they do kick ass though.

I never really cared for Cyclops so he didn't make it. I guess Beast, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Bishop, and Gambit are my honorable mentions.
353810, lol at Liefeld.
Posted by FortifiedLive, Tue Feb-26-08 03:38 PM
>8. Deadpool - I don't think anyone mentioned him. The merc
>with a mouth has always been a cool character to me, his books
>have always been hilarious. Even though it seems like Rob
>Liefeld was biting Spidey a little bit with the design and
>personality when he created him.

i don't know what he didn't bite. and his obsession with vaccuum-packed crotches bothered me.
353836, Another update - keep the votes coming
Posted by McDeezNuts, Tue Feb-26-08 05:03 PM
This update adds jrocc and engine.

Iceman's gaining ground on Nightcrawler for second!
Storm slides past Gambit for 4th.
Magneto gains 16 points to move into 8th.
Lame ass Cyclops leaves the top 10.
Multiple Man makes big moves, from 16th to tied at 11th!
Prof. X moves up two slots, past Archangel, Emma Frost, and Cable.

1) Wolverine - 157 points (9 1st place votes, on 18 ballots)
2) Nightcrawler - 86 points (2 1st place votes, on 16 ballots)
3) Iceman - 77 points (0, 14 ballots, best=3rd)
4) Storm - 75 points (2, 12 ballots)
5) Gambit - 66 points (2, 9 ballots)
6) Rogue - 60 points (1, 10 ballots)
7) Colossus - 50 points (0, 8 ballots, best=2nd)
8) Magneto - 46 points (1, 8 ballots)
9) Beast - 41 points (0, 10 ballots, best=4th)
10) Psylocke - 34 points (0, 7 ballots, best=3rd)

11) Multiple Man - 30 points (1, 4 ballots)
11) Cyclops - 30 points (1, 4 ballots)
11) Bishop - 30 points (0, 9 ballots, best=3rd)
14) Professor X - 28 points (0, 7 ballots, best=3rd)
15) Cable - 27 points (1, 5 ballots)
16) Emma Frost - 26 points (0, 4 ballots, best=2nd)
17) Shadowcat - 23 points (0, 4 ballots, best=3rd)
18) Archangel - 22 points (0, 5 ballots, best=3rd)
19) Maggot - 17 points (1, 2 ballots)
20) Jean Grey / Phoenix - 16 points (0, 6 ballots, best=6th)
20) Blink - 16 points (0, 3 ballots, best=5th)

22) Jubilee - 15 points (0, 2 ballots, best=3rd)
23) Cannonball - 13 points (0, 2 ballots, best=3rd)
24) Chamber - 11 points (0, 3 ballots, best=4th)
25) Moonstar - 10 points (1, 1 ballot)
25) Banshee - 10 points (0, 2 ballots, best=4th)

Then there are 16 others with less than 10 points mentioned on only one ballot.

353952, can somone give me 3 valid reason to hate on Cyclops?
Posted by latchkeykid, Wed Feb-27-08 12:02 AM
353954, I couldn't stand Cyclops for the longest time...
Posted by Marbles, Wed Feb-27-08 12:12 AM

1. For a long time, he lacked any type of edge or personality. Nothing about him stood out except that he was a good leader.

2. Why would he marry a woman who was identical to his 1st love who just so happened to commit suicide in order to prevent her power from causing anymore harm? And to top it all off, he ditches the new wife to run back to the 1st love.

3. He has too many damn kids from other timelines. That shit is way beyond played out.


*** MARBLES ***
354009, care to give a top 10?
Posted by McDeezNuts, Wed Feb-27-08 09:33 AM
It doesn't matter if you haven't been into comics very long or whatever, anyone can play.
464324, RE: can somone give me 3 valid reason to hate on Cyclops?
Posted by TRoyTerry4524, Fri Jul-24-09 04:32 AM
there are no real valid reasons other than he is a jerk
he thinks he runs shit even tho he kinda does he still is an asshole
he talks to stronger mutants like they are beneath him his son is way cooler
but in spite of all of that he was badass in dark avengers #7 when he basically threatened Mr. Osborn
354088, I hate Wolverine....
Posted by rorschach, Wed Feb-27-08 02:02 PM
when you think about it....he's just as much of a jerk as Cyclops. He just more of a badass. Here's my 10:

10. Cyclops
9. Wolverine
8. Psylocke
7. Bishop
6. Storm
5. Chamber (back when he had that flame mouth)
4. Rogue
3. Iceman
2. Gambit
1. Nightcrawler

The OKP® King of the Late Pass™

"Being the bigger man is overrated." -- Huey (The Boondocks)
354096, Damn... I read X-titles for 10+ years and I don't like ten members
Posted by Coatesvillain, Wed Feb-27-08 02:58 PM
I've been thinking about a list since this poll was started, but I'm still struggling. My list always dies at around six.
354108, okay, for reals this time
Posted by buckshot defunct, Wed Feb-27-08 04:00 PM
1. Multiple Man - Wasn't kidding about that one. Madrox is the man. Er, men.

2. Wolverine - The ultimate badass and the X-Men's MVP.

3. Charles Xavier - What kind of asshole puts a bunch of high school kids up against Magneto? We owe it all to this bald bastard right here.

3. Magneto - The Nas to Professor X's Jay-Z.

4. Nightcrawler - A swashbuckling blue elf with the power of teleportation? That's what I call versatility.

5. Psylocke - But only if we're talking about Jim Lee's super hot ninja-ized version.

6. Quicksilver - I'm a sucker for speedsters. This one's a major asshole, so that's a bonus.

7. Juggernaut - Granted his best work was done in his supervillain days, but I'll work him in on the technicality.

8. Gambit - Look, I'm not gonna sit here and front like I never thought trenchcoats and headgear were the pinnacle of superhero cool. Plus he's from New Orleans, so I pretty much have to include him on GP.

9. Colossus - I like him because he can turn into metal and kick your ass, then sketch a stunning rendering of said ass kicking for you to hang in your living room as a constant reminder.

10. Shadowcat - Now, I do think the affection a lot of aging X-fans have for this character borders on the creepy, but I'm coming around on her lately. She's a great character in Whedon's Astonishing X-Men book, and an integral member of the X-family.

354124, cool
Posted by McDeezNuts, Wed Feb-27-08 04:45 PM
You had two # 3 so I just left Shadowcat out.

>1. Multiple Man - Wasn't kidding about that one. Madrox is
>the man. Er, men.
>2. Wolverine - The ultimate badass and the X-Men's MVP.

Yeah, it was pretty much a given he would run away with 1st place. That's why it was such a mindfuck that IGN put him fourth (and Cyclops at #1?!).

>3. Charles Xavier - What kind of asshole puts a bunch of high
>school kids up against Magneto? We owe it all to this bald
>bastard right here.

He's the man and all, but I never really liked him much as a character. He just seemed like a living plot device to me.

With his powers, he could basically accomplish virtually every X-mission himself just by dominating minds. But he's above that.

>3. Magneto - The Nas to Professor X's Jay-Z.

Second coolest villain ever, after DOOM.

>4. Nightcrawler - A swashbuckling blue elf with the power of
>teleportation? That's what I call versatility.

Yeah, he's the shit.

>5. Psylocke - But only if we're talking about Jim Lee's super
>hot ninja-ized version.

Cosign. I'm surprised so many people leave her out, but I guess she's a pretty minor character in the grand scheme.

>6. Quicksilver - I'm a sucker for speedsters. This one's a
>major asshole, so that's a bonus.
>7. Juggernaut - Granted his best work was done in his
>supervillain days, but I'll work him in on the technicality.

Yeah, not feeling him as a hero, but whatever. He's a great character overall.

>8. Gambit - Look, I'm not gonna sit here and front like I
>never thought trenchcoats and headgear were the pinnacle of
>superhero cool. Plus he's from New Orleans, so I pretty much
>have to include him on GP.

He seems like the ultimate love him or hate him character.

>9. Colossus - I like him because he can turn into metal and
>kick your ass, then sketch a stunning rendering of said ass
>kicking for you to hang in your living room as a constant


>10. Shadowcat - Now, I do think the affection a lot of aging
>X-fans have for this character borders on the creepy, but I'm
>coming around on her lately. She's a great character in
>Whedon's Astonishing X-Men book, and an integral member of the

Not sure about the creepiness factor. She's just a cool character who's always been down to earth. She does a lot with a pretty weak power (although it's obviously powerful if she can phase inside your body and then become solid).
354127, or you could combine both my #3's to make ONSLAUGHT!!!!
Posted by buckshot defunct, Wed Feb-27-08 04:59 PM

354128, Oh shit, that's awesome!
Posted by McDeezNuts, Wed Feb-27-08 05:06 PM
Tell me you planned that. Damn that was clever.
354126, Adding rorschach and buckshot
Posted by McDeezNuts, Wed Feb-27-08 04:57 PM
1) Wolverine - 168 points (9 1st place votes, on 20 ballots)
2) Nightcrawler - 102 points (3 1st place votes, on 18 ballots)
3) Iceman - 85 points (0, 15 ballots, best=3rd)
4) Storm - 80 points (2, 13 ballots)
5) Gambit - 77 points (2, 11 ballots)
6) Rogue - 67 points (1, 11 ballots)
7) Magneto - 53 points (1, 9 ballots)
8) Colossus - 51 points (0, 9 ballots, best=2nd)
9) Psylocke - 42 points (0, 9 ballots, best=3rd)
10) Beast - 41 points (0, 10 ballots, best=4th)

11) Professor X - 36 points (0, 8 ballots, best=3rd)
12) Bishop - 34 points (0, 10 ballots, best=3rd)
13) Cyclops - 31 points (1, 5 ballots)
14) Multiple Man - 30 points (1, 4 ballots)
15) Cable - 27 points (1, 5 ballots)
16) Emma Frost - 26 points (0, 4 ballots, best=2nd)
17) Shadowcat - 23 points (0, 4 ballots, best=3rd)
18) Archangel - 22 points (0, 5 ballots, best=3rd)
19) Maggot - 17 points (1, 2 ballots)
19) Chamber - 17 points (0, 4 ballots, best=4th)

21) Jean Grey / Phoenix - 16 points (0, 6 ballots, best=6th)
21) Blink - 16 points (0, 3 ballots, best=5th)
23) Jubilee - 15 points (0, 2 ballots, best=3rd)
24) Cannonball - 13 points (0, 2 ballots, best=3rd)
25) Moonstar - 10 points (1, 1 ballot)
25) Banshee - 10 points (0, 2 ballots, best=4th)

Then there are 18 others with less than 10 points mentioned on only one ballot.

354461, up for more votes
Posted by McDeezNuts, Fri Feb-29-08 12:38 PM
We have 23 ballots; I want more than that before I feel I can declare the list to be "OKP's top X-Men."

Where's the rest of the Prep-Time Posse?
354960, Can't rank
Posted by Abstract101, Mon Mar-03-08 08:59 PM
Magneto. i love his direction, when he is written well. a great foil to xavier's dream. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Cyclops. Kind of gets a wack rep, but he is the living embodiment of xavier's dream. he suffers with it, and it makes him interesting.

Wolverine. i kind of liked his backstory. everyone wants him to always be a baddass. but, it's interesting that someone so weak would become what he became.

Multiple Man. always loved his character. hella interesting.

Kitty Pryde. "just when i think i get out, they pull me back in". she's always getting back into thing even if she doesn't want to.

Colossus. his family, his story, his mentality. i mean, he switched sides but always remained who he was at heart.

Iceman. if you think about it, the most powerful mutant of them all. he can freeze the water in you blood, in the air in anything. to me this always got him towards the idea of slowing down atoms. he can probably freeze anything. the possibilities are endless

Gambit. i always thought he was the man. liked his association to the mauraders.

Havok. always in the shadow, always having to prove himself.

Psylock. hot as hell.

Storm. gotta respect her story lines. sometimes underused.

i always love the fact that the original x-men, all white as hell, then they add havok and polaris, also white....then, all of a sudden, "WE HAVE TO GET MULTICULTURAL!!!!" Storm Africa, Nightcrawler Germnay, Colossus Russia, Wolverine Canada, Warpath Native American, Sunfire Asian...pretty interesting
464323, No Order
Posted by TRoyTerry4524, Fri Jul-24-09 04:29 AM
Prof. X
464336, my 10.....
Posted by KnowOne, Fri Jul-24-09 07:58 AM
6.Emma Frost