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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectBefore they were Stars - Extras who blew up years later
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=733882&mesg_id=733882
733882, Before they were Stars - Extras who blew up years later
Posted by BigWorm, Fri Mar-08-19 03:56 PM
I just happened to catch Spiderman 2 on some channel a couple of weeks ago, and who showed up on the screen with exactly one line? Chadwick Boseman. Years later dude stars as Black Panther in Civil War, where Spiderman is also rebooted and added to the MCU.

Different but in the same ballpark, years ago I remember seeing Melissa McCarthy in like a one minute scene from Doug Liman's (IMO) underrated Go. There was something about her in it, like she put just 50% more into the bit part than was necessary, and it stood out. I was curious even then if she'd show up elsewhere. Then years later...

Do any of you have any other examples of that? Where you notice an extra or actor in a bit part who goes on to be a star? It could be before, or after the fact.

I want to say the same thing happened for me with Dave Chappelle. I remember noticing him way before Half-Baked. Maybe even before Men In Tights.