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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectI thought it was better than S1, but you're spot on.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=726376&mesg_id=729126
729126, I thought it was better than S1, but you're spot on.
Posted by Shogun, Fri Apr-27-18 08:25 AM

>The so-called "villian" was lame as fuck, and once again JJ
>spent way too much time chillin' and talking with the main
>antagonist instead of just taking care of business.

Yep. As much as I hate it, this show needed a big ass cliche' "Hero vs Villain" fight. We never got it with these two. They have similar powers, so it would've been awesome.

>Also, in general, I think these Netflix shows need to ramp up
>the super-heroness of these shows. Just four or five straight
>episodes of exposition with barely a punch thrown in
>nauseating. Needs way more action. The WB DC shows manage it,
>don't know why it's so hard here.And yes, they need to start
>capping these shows at 8-10 eps max.


>Lastly, I really started to hate Trish this season. She just
>seemed out of character from her previous portrayals and was
>self-centered as a mofo the whole season. Didn't like the way
>she constantly sorta sabotaged JJ. Her taking Simpson's
>inhaler drug just seemed like it came out of nowhere and the
>ending for her character was telegraphed badly. But mostly I
>hated her this season. And that shit with Malcolm just seemed
>tacked on.

I actually like Trish. She's kinda in the way sometimes ( and always manages to make a mess of things), but I like the character.

>Speaking of Malcolm, when he said "I"m tired of being the
>realest one here" I was like WORD, SON. Only dude the whole
>season that was reasonably written outside of JJ. Like he
>pretty much made a logical progression from who he was to who
>he want to be and showed some real growth. He could be a force
>in the future.


>JJ I still fucks with, but the lonely drunk routine is getting
>a bit tired. Would like to see more growth from her too. She
>went through several iterations of herself in the comics. I'd
>like to sorta see her either reach for a higher purpose or
>just really really dig her teeth into making Alias something
>better than what it is.

Absolutely. I found myself yelling "Stop being such a bitch all the time!!!" at my TV. We get it. She doesn't like opening up to people, but she's a surly, unpleasant person for about 95% of the show. It gets old.
