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Topic subjectMost of the Star Wars plot/motivation issues can be
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715320, Most of the Star Wars plot/motivation issues can be
Posted by soulfunk, Mon Aug-29-16 04:29 PM
temporarily explained because of the fact that film held out explaining a lot of back story that should eventually be explained in the next two films. I'm not a fan of how info like Rey's parentage or what Luke was doing or why certain people didn't know others was deliberately left in JJ Abrams mystery box, but it is posible that there are good explanations for all that stuff that hasn't been revealed yet.

With BVS on the other hand everything is right there in this movie and it doesn't make sense. Lex had a plan that needed Superman to instantly track Lois Lane from halfway around the world, get there and save her, but NOT be able to locate his mom in the same city when given a couple hours to find her. There's no way that can have a backstory explanation. There is no backstory explanation that could be revealed later to make the Martha scene okay.

But the biggest difference between the two films is the likability factor - there is nothing likable about ANYONE in BVS so you have noone to root for or to be invested in their story. In TFA the only unlikable character were the "bad guys" - Kylo, Snoke, Hux, etc. They did a GREAT job of making you care about Finn and Rey as new characters, which made the movie that much more enjoyable regardless of any plot issues you may have had. Civil War was another example - they built everything up perfectly so that in the ending fight you like both Iron Man and Captain America, and can see that BOTH of them have points and are "right", so the fight has that much more tension. You care about every punch and counter.

I feel the same way about Suicide Squad - I enjoyed that film WAY more than BVS so I didn't care as much about the issues in the third act or the lack of motivations. I had fun watching it, while I couldn't wait for BVS to be over.

>And something hit me- a lot of problems this flick has (issues
>with plot, character motivations, motivations changing,
>etc)...the new Star Wars movie had.