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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectEntertained but a BAD movie. Needed lower stakes.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=697087&mesg_id=714641
714641, Entertained but a BAD movie. Needed lower stakes.
Posted by SoulHonky, Sat Aug-06-16 02:09 PM
It made no sense to have the Suicide Squad's main mission be saving someone when there was a threat to the end of the world happening right next door. And how dumb was everyone to see the crazy lights in the sky and still think "It's just terrorists."
Ditto to Joker and Harley. There was potential there to have them realize the world is at stake and decide between fleeing or helping but instead it was just another helicopter crash.

Lower stakes might have made it more believable. The whole Waller twist was horribly executed but made even less sense as it was the obvious second priority.

I thought the movie was fine but it is undoubtedly a mess of a movie. Introducing a character's backstory at the start of act 3 is kind of hilarious. The faceless dudes were running over soldiers but then Harley was just killing them with her bat, and then later Waller says they can survive headshots, which they clearly can't. A superhero movie pet peeve of mine is when people decide to stop using their powers or use them to a lesser degree at key moments; Enchatnress is powerful but then she decided to get into a fistfight with the Suicide Squad, until she finally remembers, oh, I have the power to just strip them of all of their weapons.

The "friends" arc was idiotic. Have them be bad guys; don't have them suddenly be best of friends and comrades.

I liked Margot Robbie and Will Smith although they went to Harley's quips a little too often. It was the same note over and over.

Nice to see Jai Courtney flashing some personality.

Gotham, NJ? Really.

Liked the quick flash that Harley killed Robin.

The music was distracting. You could tell they shoehorned in all those pop songs at the last minute.