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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjecttwas good
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=667181&mesg_id=669315
669315, twas good
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-02-14 10:11 AM
especially loved the exchanges with sherlock and mycroft. but i'm realizing that this sherlock character is just a tad bbc over the top ish. i hadn't gone back and watched the previous seasons again so i'm not sure if i was just blind to it bfore or if something else happened. but there were so many moments when i felt like i was watching dr. who.

and what was the internal conversation thing that was going on when he was doing his rounds with old girl. were those supposed to be his self critique or him imagining what watson would say.

speaking of old girl predictions on what sherlock 'sees' in him?

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." © Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."