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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectthe stupidity of desperation.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=646628&mesg_id=658147
658147, the stupidity of desperation.
Posted by will_5198, Tue Aug-13-13 08:28 PM
I suppose when you're on the edge of survival, either a heightened self-awareness or a self-defeating imprudence are the main reactions. in Elysium's case, all the characters seem to take the latter approach.

firstly, the idea of breaking into Elysium for medical aid is more akin to suicide. it'd be like robbing the most fortified bank in the world, wanting to spend all the money while you're at the vault, and knowing the only way out is via the bank's own transportation service.

granted, ignorance is a great tool of oppression, and that lack of foresight is about the only characterization Damon masters. after being gifted with a tool that could reverse the Earth's suffering, while knowing that has put the universe's biggest bounty on his head, he disregards all context for a completely stupid tangent.

it'd be like bin Laden discovering US nuclear launch codes, then deciding he wanted to use the restrooms in the White House first.

I didn't like Copley either, who was either horrible casting or poorly written. a Real World: Puck meets psychotic ex-jock, his presence was laughable the entire time.

from the scattered editing I'd guess the first cut was an hour longer, while the melee scenes were typically poor in the "cut-cut-cut-disguise" style. some of the technology looked good though, mostly on Earth (Elysium had too much CGI sheen to it).