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Topic subjecthenry gale
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370677, henry gale
Posted by paragon216, Sun May-11-08 11:21 AM
was the person ben claimed to be in the beginning, and that his hot air ballon from Minnesota was swept to the island ala the actual wizard in oz

ben has the book in his library

and a couple of the episode titles reference pulling back the 'curtain' to see who is really behind it all...both locke and ben reference it

all the survivors are akin to dorothy, they ain't in kansas any more

zardoz is a play on wiZARDofOZ

ben obviously has access to lots of materials, i mean the nigga speaks arabic and has like thirty passports he didnt know all that stuff when he came to the island as an 8yr old child

i don't doubt that the heiros are old but they were on the door been opened....and he obviously summoned the smoke monster, he ran away while addressing keamy, 'hit the switch' (or whatever he did) and told everybody to stay on the treeline so as to not get bit by his attack dog -- the smoke monster

in addition, if i recall juliette knew how to avoid being attacked by the smoke monster too

when have u seen one of the others get attacked by the monster?

the black rock pirate ship, where they got the dynamite from

rousseau was a scientist/rescuer who came to the island pregnant, her lover and crew went crazy from the affects of the island and ben stole the baby from her

ben has a fascination with babies and pregnancy, his mother died giving birth to him

but like richard alpert said the others ain't on that shit, they have other work to do

that whole ancient thing is getting dudes off track, there are only acient ruins on the island almost everything is fairly modern
i'll check into the forbidden planet reference

but the dharma experiments explain damn near all the odd shit goin on, alperts agelessness, the polar bears, magnetic waves

and u cant discount the time travel piece cuz thats central to the whole show

desmond and ben were mos def time travellin and i suspect that is why people cant be killed, thats why hugo and jack were sayin they have to go back....they realized they fucked things up by leaving, they may not even be in their own reality

also suspect that michael is the one in the coffin that jack went to see...he's neither friend nor family, he was from ny and died in la in a black part of town....jack realized that if michael died then he can now die too so he was about to commit suicide when the car crash happened

and u can rarely believe anything ben says....he has been bullshitting the others for years

>i haven't seen the latest episode yet it's on tonight.
>but the reason not everyone is being healed is because
>everyone's subconscious is different. and you can't control
>your subconscious like that.

i dont buy that explanation on healing cuz locke didnt do anything special nor did rosa, no one else got healed

how can whidmore and ben be brothers?
if they are it has to do with reincarnation, cuz that's basically what richard tested locke for, just like they do with the dhali llamas, if the kid picks the items owned by the recently deceased llama he becomes the incarnate

which brings me to the spirits flying around and why everyone is fighting over this damn island

looking for hosts: this could explain christian shepherd's appearance, cuz if jacob is so powerful why does he need help?

some have said that ben has confined jacob to the cabin with some kind of circle of sand, the same sand locke found when he went there and the sand that was in the vial that alpert showed to young locke

whidmore is rich already what does he want from the island, i suspect he wants longevity

ben probably wants his mom resurrected or saved before she dies in childbirth

the polar bears are a part of the dharma experiment...we havent seen any in a minute

all ancient civilizations disappear that's why they're ancient, there's no mystery here

the coincidences are the real question, everyone is connected in so many ways...the woman jack saved in the flash forward has the same last name as rosa's husband

i equate the four-toed statue with colossus, one of the original seven wonders, i think it was built on some island...was supposed to have been ginormous but disappeared without a trace

Never come between a black man and his hustle in a room full of white people