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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectDid Sampling Clearance REALLY Change Hip Hop?!?!?!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2990298&mesg_id=2990298
2990298, Did Sampling Clearance REALLY Change Hip Hop?!?!?!
Posted by Kil, Sun May-14-17 07:47 PM
Got into a debate on twitter about did sampling clearance REALLY change hip hop? Everybody was saying yes but I never understood it. The whole Gilbert O Sullivan/Biz case which everyone says was the turning point who sampling laws was in 1992. So if that "changed the game" SO much why does 90% of hip hop post '92 many that are considered classics (Mecca & the Soul Brother, Hard To Earn, The Sun Rises, Enter the Wu, Midnight Marauders, Low End Theory, The Score, One For All, Fantastic Vol. 2, etc.) all have samples on damn near every song? And now 25 years later everybody from the biggest cats like Drake & Kendrick to the underground folk like Evidence & Freeway are STILL sampling. And I get it, a song here and a song there couldn't be cleared so it didn't make the album but is THAT really ruining hip hop? I'm not saying the laws didn't change the fame but did it REALLY ruin it? Hell, I feel like the Swizz Beats era did more damage in stopping cats from sampling then the laws did. And once Jay dropped The Blueprint all of the sampling started right back up! Hell, Ye & Just's whole careers are built on samples so again, how the did laws REALLY change hip hop? Check out the newest ep of my podcast where I've got 5 hip hop heads on tap trying to explain this to me and I STILL don't get it smdh.


So my questions for the boards are can anyone explain to me how it REALLY messed up hip hop? And two how did you feel about Lord Finesse suing Mac Miller for using Finesse's beat? And three, how do ya'll feel about folk sampling songs that JUST came out like Jay sampling the Menahan Street Band or J Cole sampling Jennifer Hudson?