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Topic subjectRapper/Producer combo: J-Live or Oddisee
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2986693, Rapper/Producer combo: J-Live or Oddisee
Posted by , Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
This is a toughy for me.... curious to what you think. I've been re-listening to J-Live's catalog and I would def put him the arena with Oddisee.

They both appear on each others discography. Both have exceptional chops on the mic and the boards.

Poll question: Rapper/Producer combo: J-Live or Oddisee

Poll result (14 votes)
J-Live (4 votes)Vote
Oddisee (10 votes)Vote


2986696, Oddisee and it's not even close
Posted by Anonymous, Tue Mar-28-17 10:59 AM
2986702, what makes it close(r) is the MC part IMO
Posted by , Tue Mar-28-17 12:03 PM
Oddisee is over the top nice with it, and super underrated. However, Oddisee does not have a rip your throat out cut like "Braggin Writes". That song still gives me chills. So Hype. I remember hearing it in the 90's on a the Premier 101 compilation. PHEW.....

2986703, For sure...
Posted by Anonymous, Tue Mar-28-17 12:08 PM
The MCing part brings them closer and Live is a better battle rapping type of MC.

And while he does have a few topical songs that I love, Oddisee just writes better songs in my opinion. Oddisee is more interesting and unique with his style than Live is.

2986704, Love Oddisee as an MC, but J-Live operates at a SUPER high level
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Mar-28-17 12:44 PM
It's kind of spectacular how underrated he is. and not just on some battling shit. Conceptually and stylistically he is extremely creative. I've been listening to "All of the Above" a lot lately, and it reminded how good that album was. And he still does a lot of creative stuff to this day in terms of lyrics and concepts.

That said, Oddisee isn't a slouch, and he's one of the best producers out right now, period.
2986708, Definitely
Posted by Anonymous, Tue Mar-28-17 01:48 PM
J Live is DOPE!

Never meant to allude to him being a slouch.

I just think Oddisee frames and crafts his songs more precisely...if that makes sense.

Oddisee just knows how to make perfect songs. He's really one of the best to ever do it.

He has an artistic feel that most MCs don't.

All Of The Above is def a favorite of mine and Live is also one my favorites as well.

It's just to me, Live is one of my favorite MCs and Oddisee is one of my favorite musical artists period.

2986698, RE: Rapper/Producer combo: J-Live or Oddisee
Posted by spidey, Tue Mar-28-17 11:35 AM
Huge fan of each, I think J-Live edges him out currently, but Oddisee continues to come strong and very well might surpass the Live one...
2986700, Love both but Live for me personally.
Posted by Brew, Tue Mar-28-17 11:46 AM
Just think he's more versatile from a production standpoint.

Love Oddisee, have heard all his work and will continue to ... he's mega talented on the mic and on the boards but I feel like a good chunk of his production and music in general is one speed.
2986701, This is so wrong I'm baffled you typed the shit
Posted by Anonymous, Tue Mar-28-17 11:50 AM
>Just think he's more versatile from a production standpoint.

I need you to define versatile for me and then link me to J Live production that proves your statement.
2986709, Yea there's a zero percent chance I'm doing that.
Posted by Brew, Tue Mar-28-17 01:49 PM
>and then link me to J
>Live production that proves your statement.

Anyway to your other question, I overstated it by claiming he was more versatile, because Oddisee is insanely dope on the production tip.

But many of us here have discussed several times how Oddisee kind of has a tendency to bore us at times. I described him as "mood music" for me. He is topically more diverse on the lyrical side, and may be "technically" better than Live on the boards (though that's also arguable and largely subjective, IMO), but I just find Live's music to be more ... well, live, a lot of the time. Someone described him as more of a battle MC, which I'd agree with, but I just find that he switches up his mood and tempo on the musical tip more than Odd does.

I know what to expect from Oddisee. Well thought out, conscious, thought-provoking lyrics, and mostly mid-tempo production which at times can bore me if I'm not in the right mood for it. That's not taking anything away from his talent level at all. It's just the easiest way for me to answer this question about two artists I really like and respect, a question which is ultimately about personal preference.
2986711, I'm not seeing it like that at all...
Posted by Anonymous, Tue Mar-28-17 02:20 PM
I wouldn't be mad at anyone for liking either better than the other lyrically but production...you are completely insane for what you're typing man.

In The Ruff sounds nothing like The Iceberg.

J Live is more "live" production-wise? Oddisee records an tours with a live band!

Oddisee can do boom bap, soulful, sample-based, synth-based.

He took a different approach on his albums than he did on March On a Washington as well.

Shit, my favorite J Live song is produced by Oddisee!

I think you need to go through Oddisee's catalogue again.

If either of them is one-dimensional on the boards it's definitely J Live.
2986749, Shit, man. Up is down. Blue is firetrucks.
Posted by Brew, Tue Mar-28-17 08:43 PM
I just discovered that The Upgrade, my favorite J-Live song, was produced by Oddisee. I assume that's the same track you're referencing. My world is upside down.

Not really tho. I don't even know why I engaged this so much. I love them both and really don't care. Haha.

One way or the other I'll take my L and move on.
2986750, Lol...I hear you
Posted by Anonymous, Tue Mar-28-17 08:58 PM
It really doesn't matter...both are dope artists.

It's just that Oddisee is honestly my favorite doing it right now.

And yes, The Upgrade is the joint I speak of.
2986751, Yea it's easy to see why he's your favorite.
Posted by Brew, Tue Mar-28-17 09:36 PM
The dude is sick, period.
2986745, LOL yeah, I was stunned by reading that. Oddisee is as versatile as it gets.
Posted by amplifya7, Tue Mar-28-17 07:50 PM
>>Just think he's more versatile from a production

He has dabbled in pretty much every style of hip hop production, all with excellent results...east coast, west coast, double time southern beats, house music, live instruments, samples, synths, loops, chops, clean, dirty...he does it all.

I'd be shocked if J-Live himself didn't give the nod to Oddisee for production.

All that being said, I think J-Live is a better rapper, but think Oddisee has the more consistent/overall better discography.
2986706, I haven't listened to J-Live in forever
Posted by go mack, Tue Mar-28-17 01:19 PM
just came across my All of the Above cd just the other day and thought about listening to it, think I will now.

Also, for some reason I thought he was much older than he is. 41 still kinda old in hiphop (same age as me, ugh) but was thinking he was that 10 years ago. lol
2986712, Oddisee for the production, J-Live for the raps
Posted by 13Rose, Tue Mar-28-17 02:40 PM
All of the Above is chock full of great concepts and lyrics.
2986719, RE: Oddisee for the production, J-Live for the raps
Posted by spidey, Tue Mar-28-17 03:29 PM
In 2017, yes...Though Live is a personal favorite, his last couple have been largely snoozers. Duke always comes nice with the lyrics, but I like the balance of his older LP's where he produced about half of the tracks, and outside brothers did the the other half...Also, I believe Live helped in Oddisee getting on...in speaking with Oddisee he told me how he was in Phoenix many years earlier on tour with J-Live...Would love to hear a collabo between the two, would have classic potential...
2986725, You know they did a collaboration already right?
Posted by Anonymous, Tue Mar-28-17 03:59 PM
Or are you talking an entire album?
2986737, RE: You know they did a collaboration already right?
Posted by spidey, Tue Mar-28-17 06:14 PM
Yes sir I do...I am talking about an LP together...
2986731, This should be Oddisee in a landslide. Love J-Live but Oddisee got this one
Posted by ChampD1012, Tue Mar-28-17 05:29 PM
2986734, Oddisee
Posted by Kosa12, Tue Mar-28-17 05:59 PM
I love J-Live, but Odd has been far more consistent and The Iceberg is a fantastic album. J Live is the better MC (at his best) though
2986736, Bias aside, we (J-Live) got some things in the can for your asses n/m
Posted by Mash_Comp, Tue Mar-28-17 06:09 PM
2986740, As long as the production matches his skill level man...
Posted by Anonymous, Tue Mar-28-17 06:53 PM
2986746, like i said, i think these next two joints ya'll be happy
Posted by Mash_Comp, Tue Mar-28-17 07:53 PM
we got some great shit in the can.
2986747, how'd you work that out?
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Tue Mar-28-17 08:15 PM
Producing for J-Live, I mean. Can't wait to hear what you guys come up with.
2987003, i'm part of his managment team n/m
Posted by Mash_Comp, Thu Mar-30-17 04:19 PM
2986861, WAT??
Posted by The3rdOne, Wed Mar-29-17 03:26 PM
2986752, Tough one since they are both highly proficient at beats and rhymes
Posted by liveguy, Tue Mar-28-17 11:00 PM
On the surface, it's a tie

J-Live is a better rapper.

Oddisee is a decent rapper.

Oddisee is better on the beats.

J-Live is decent on the beats.

To me, J-Live's best work was the joints he did with DJ Spinna.
(see: Happy Belated)

One of my favorite song's all time is "Them That's Not"...Grap LACED J with that one.

"The Best Part" is a classic..
"All of the above" was solid as fuck...

That said, Oddisee can do a REALLY dope album by himself...

DOPE ass beats....and really solid rhymes.

Not saying J can't as well....BUT..

Like, to anticipate an album solely made in it's entirety by Odd or J, I would be more interested in hearing Oddisee joint first cause I KNOW the beats will knock like crazy.

So on the margin, i'm going with Oddisee.

Side note: I just want a J-Live/DJ spinna album....lol
2986761, RE: Tough one since they are both highly proficient at beats and rhymes
Posted by spidey, Wed Mar-29-17 12:27 AM
Good points...Live is nicer on the mic, but Oddisee wins the beats/production...as far as the Spinna/Live collabo, would love to see it happen....probably. dropping the same time the Breeze Breewin l.p. drops....hahaha....
2986755, Not Really Feeling Either Artist
Posted by Dj Joey Joe, Tue Mar-28-17 11:20 PM
I've listened and have cds & vinyl from J-Live but never dug him like someone who I go to when I want to hear music, if I happen to have something laying around then I might pick it up but he's never been on my list of favorites; the same goes for Oddisee, he's got some good production but nothing that really gets me excited, "I have "New Money"m "Odd Seasons" and singles he produced here & there but nothing that basically standing out.

2986764, RE: Rapper/Producer combo: J-Live or Oddisee
Posted by Patrik, Wed Mar-29-17 02:36 AM
J-Live is and has been one of my favorite emcees and I think he had a great run of albums until 2011 (except Hear After) and I own most of them.

However when J himself produces it's always a hit and miss, some songs are great but he should focus on his writing and emceeing and leave the productions to other people.

Long time fan and I'll always check for new material but his last three albums have been too inconsistent and I'm less and less excited for him new albums I hope he goes back to what it does best soon.

J any day as a emcee, Oddisee any day as a producer.

The full package as of right now? Oddisee. But if I had to go album for album on a island I'd still choose J's discography.
2986799, As most have stated, Live is the better MC, Oddisee is better on the boards
Posted by Sleepy, Wed Mar-29-17 09:17 AM
Both are dope.

Live is inconsistent though with his beats. His ear isn't as good as some others, but he's nice enough. Oddisee is a better all around performer. But you can't really go wrong with either. Both are mostly underrated in general.
2986833, J-Live or Black Milk tho? n/m
Posted by phemom, Wed Mar-29-17 10:54 AM
2986847, RE: J-Live or Black Milk tho? n/m
Posted by spidey, Wed Mar-29-17 01:18 PM
Live on the lyrics, Milk on the beats...
2986862, J-Live all day! I wanna like Oddisee but he's kinda boring
Posted by aesop socks, Wed Mar-29-17 03:50 PM
2986952, Amazing to me seeing people choosing Live on the beats...
Posted by BNueve, Thu Mar-30-17 10:45 AM
I love J-Live, but it doesn't even seem fair to compare the 2 on beats. I would probably pick Live over Oddisee for the lyrics, although Oddisee is starting to tip the scale there too. J-Live always has some good songs between a bunch of not so good ones and I think it started after All of the Above. I think the fair comparison would be between Black Milk and Oddisee, but we've done that before.
2986956, Correct if I am wrong
Posted by , Thu Mar-30-17 10:50 AM
But didn't Live go on tour and actually DJ his own sets while rapping? Am I imagining this?

If so, chaulk one up to LIVE, cause that shit can't be easy. I've seen Oddisee live a couple times.... amazing performer however, he is just standing there rapping with a band behind him, as opposed to also being on the 1's & 2's.

2986993, You are correct.
Posted by BNueve, Thu Mar-30-17 02:41 PM
I was blown away when I saw him do that live
2987039, I think Odd has a much more consistent catalog
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Thu Mar-30-17 09:55 PM
but if I was left to choose one album between the two, it'd be All of the Above, pretty easily for me.

All things considered I think J-Live is a little bit better on the mic than Oddisee is on the beats, so I'd have to go with him. But honestly there's no real wrong choice here.