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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: Smh
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2950212&mesg_id=2950355
2950355, RE: Smh
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Nov-17-15 01:06 PM

>I have nothing against MCs staying in their lane. More should
>do it. With that said, if all you can do is stay in your lane
>then you are the definition of limited. Lebron is an all-time
>great player because he can do everything right? Dennis
>Rodman is the best rebounder of all-time right? Does that
>mean he's better than Lebron because he "stays in his lane?"
>No. No one would say that. Lebron's lane is being great and
>multiple things. Rodman's is being great at one. The same
>thing applies to Redman. He's great in his lane. Problem is,
>like I said before, there are others that are great in
>multiple lanes.

Well, comparing MCs to basketball players is a poor analogy because basketball players are judged by objective things like individual statistics and team wins. As much as some would like to say otherwise, opinions on MCs is done through subjective means and personal preferences. What's witty wordplay and complicated flow to some is unlistenable to others.

But if we were to use your basketball metaphor, Redman wouldn't be Rodman, because he's great at more than one thing. If anything, it's that you're saying he's not so good at ONE, and that's what you think is preventing him from being top 10. There's also a difference at being very good at many things, and being GREAT at many things, which, to use your metaphor, would be LeBron. Now, there may be some LeBron's making hip-hop these days, but there aren't 10 of them that are better at what they do than Redman, IMO.

>Actually it doesn't. Stop and think about Redman's creative
>process. He hears a beat and attacks it the same exact way
>every single time. That's not creative. Was he original in
>the beginning, sure. But he never evolved. Some MCs can
>evolve and some MCs can't. Maybe Red can't so what he does
>works. And it works better than those that try to evolve and
>can't. But guess who it doesn't put him ahead of, those that
>evolve and are successful in doing so.

"Evolve" is again a useless term. It's just a stand-in for "Rhymes about different stuff". And Red doesn't attack the beat the same way every time. He switches up his flow, cadence, etc. appropriately. And he does it better than most. And it puts him in the top 10.

>I have plenty of co-signs in this very thread. Fuck you
>talking about?

You got incredibly insecure when I made a joke. You went directly to "people don't know how to discuss music" when people disagree with you. That's the #1 anger indicator.