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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectA&R's job is done after the album is out.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2921187&mesg_id=2921527
2921527, A&R's job is done after the album is out.
Posted by Heinz, Tue Feb-24-15 04:56 PM
If he wanted more attention for the album he should've stayed ripped and in shape like when he first started this comeback. Get over himself and his doubts about bitches just wanting him for his body. Be healthy to be healthy and if women come flocking and you provide great music with it....ain't no problem. But If i was an A&R on this album (which I doubt there was) I wouldve pushed to make a hit that he can actually pull off without feeling like he's selling out. You can get lost in trying to be different and artsy for the sake of it. A&R's job is to make sure they don't get lost or obsessed with that idea.


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