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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: you like your Rap with Profanity?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2920697&mesg_id=2921058
2921058, RE: you like your Rap with Profanity?
Posted by thebigfunk, Thu Feb-19-15 08:58 AM

>"Profanity" as a social concept holds no currency in an
>artform. i cant believe anyone would think there should never
>be "curse words" in rap, since there are in real life.

I haven't seen anyone suggest that there shouldn't be any cursing in rap. You're building a straw man there. You're right to point out that profanity is a social construct, but so are all words and the range of meanings we attribute to them. Yet if we can critique linguistic arts at all - whether novels or poetry or rap - we have to be able to critique the word choice. Someone believing that gratuitous profanity *can* contribute to the lessening of a given product's worth is hardly absurd - it's like believing that too many descriptors or convoluted grammar can ruin a good sentence. Don't essentialize the critique by reducing it to some sort of crude moralism.

>Also, buying edited albums makes no sense to me. are you
>afraid of words? madness.

lol - you think you're pointing out the naivete of others, but you're really just highlighting your own... you can't think of *any* reason, not even plain old practical reasons, that someone would want a clean copy of something. Say, for playing in the car when kids or parents or people whose preferences you don't know are around?


~ i could still snort you under the table ~