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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectwell shit, two of my favorites for both technique and enjoyment..
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2896871&mesg_id=2897011
2897011, well shit, two of my favorites for both technique and enjoyment..
Posted by DonWonJusuton, Sun Aug-17-14 08:24 AM
as in, maybe my top 2 for both.. if you threw The Ecstatic in there, my head would really be spinning.. two of my top 5 MCs, both at the absolute top of their game on the mic.. and i'd say Madvillainy probably has more consistent incredible beats.. but Supreme Clientele beats set a perfect backdrop.. and for my money, they're both perfect albums..

I'm gonna go with Supreme Clientele though... the ONLY reason i'm even going that route is because they fit in 2 skits that were around 3min. long (!) and i still play straight through without skipping.. that's some crazy execution, imo.. and i'm still not saying SC "wins", just what i'm using to answer the question posed..