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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectThat 'Be is a classic' meme already expired, that's one of those albums
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2829164&mesg_id=2829747
2829747, That 'Be is a classic' meme already expired, that's one of those albums
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Aug-06-13 11:28 PM
whose circumstances (following what was widely perceived as an experimental misstep, returning to his 'hip-hop roots') and associations (Kanye being the hottest producer in the game at the helm, the split from Badu) along with the era (G-Unit, Houston/ATL club rap & Dipset on top) combined to have this getting the five-mic (or actually more accurately, the XXL) treatment.

After the smoke cleared & ten years has passed, it's pretty much simmered down to just being a good, solid album at best.

Nobody's out here still bumping Faithful, Testify or even Chi-City (with some of Comm's most cringeworthy, dated battle rhymes) these days.

He was spitting harder on 'Circus' on tracks like Soul Power or Aquarius than anything on 'Be'.

'Finding Forever' gets a lukewarm reception when really as an album it's not much different than 'Be' in retrospect.

I disagree on time treating that album as a classic, that ship already sailed as far as I can tell: it's went into orbit as an 'instant classic' but has since came back to earth.

As for 'Resurection', I know it's conventional wisdom amongst diehard Comm fans, Chicago folks, or true-school/Okayplayery types that the album is indeed a classic but personally that's always been a thought I felt like I supposed to buy into then one I genuinely believed. It's the only mid-90's 'classic' solo MC album that I don't know the track listing to by heart.

I Used to Love Her is a canonical rap song, Another Wasted Nite is a classic interlude/skit, the title track feels classic and a couple other joints (Watermelon, Communism) are standouts but personally I haven't put that album on & left it on in years nor does anyone I came up listening to rap music with back east or anyone I've met in ten years now in the West.

To me 'Like Water For Chocolate' checks off more of the classic boxes but still ain't quite there.

Call me crazy if you will, I like Comm but even entertaining him as a TOP 10 MC OF ALL TIME seems downright nutty from where I sit & what I observe off these boards.