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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: it's absolutely wonderful.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2779223&mesg_id=2779751
2779751, RE: it's absolutely wonderful.
Posted by thebigfunk, Tue Feb-19-13 01:08 PM

>I can sort of understand that. Do you not like any any, or
>just one? I was never a big fan of the song, but this
>rendition being led by Toshi who's one of my fav vocalists not
>enough people know about... yeah it works for me.

I think that I mostly don't like the sort of droning long-form version (a la The Animals) ... Nina's is probably the one I enjoy most (on "... Sings the Blues") ... and insofar as Meshell's is a nice take on Nina's, I enjoy it enough. But the droning version just rings in my ears, so even versions substantially different kind of grate on me.

It's weird too - I rarely can say "I don't like ______" in terms of a given song - I might not like the performance, but I usually don't feel inclined to judge actual song as bad. In this case, there's almost something about the tonality of the thing... *shrug*


~ i could still snort you under the table ~