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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectdefinitely spoiled
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2759542&mesg_id=2760847
2760847, definitely spoiled
Posted by howisya, Tue Dec-04-12 09:11 AM
there used to be so many ways of throwing in extra and unlisted music on a cd. now everything is obvious and less fun, and if there are bonus tracks, they are listed, usually follow little to no silence after the main album, and are often meant for different retailers or just to get you to shell out a few more bucks disproportional to what you spent on the album. i miss the era when artists could throw in surprises and experiments either as a hidden track or on these smaller releases that used to be called EPs or cd singles before labels and digital retailers bogarted extra songs for exclusive editions that disrupt the flow of the album or make them 80 minutes long (or longer - kendrick). the only plus is a lot of artists are very generous about free downloads of nonalbum tracks, but it's not quite the same.