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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectYou are literally a silly caricature of a hipster.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2759137&mesg_id=2759675
2759675, You are literally a silly caricature of a hipster.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Nov-29-12 01:26 PM

>I went back and listened to the personal tracks from Common on
>The Dreamer/The Believer. Lovin' I Lost and Windows right? I
>wasn't sure because those are pretty generic ex-girl/daughter
>love tracks and I am not sure if you are referring to
>something else. If so I found both incredibly boring.

>IMHOP Jay's Glory is waaay more heartfelt and an emotional
>tribute to his daughter than Windows.

Glory is one of the most contrived songs in the history of
the galaxy. It was made right after him and his wife
decided to buy the floor at the UCLA hospital and put
in the patent application on the name. Fuck outtahere

>Same with Nas' tribute.
>I would also say that Andre 3000 and Nas's ode's to their
>exes were more intimate and personal. Just my opinion.

Andre 3000 is a gilette model and the Love Below is
his last album. That was millions of years ago, fuck you
talking about

>I am not arguing catalog but I am talk about who is doing it
>TODAY and when you compare NAS, Jay-Z, Andre 3000 and Common
>today by latest release, Common is the one who has seemed to
>have lost his touch and to be phoning it in.

No, you're wrong. Nas made a great album after a run of mediocre

Jay just released (with Kanye) one of the most insincere albums

3000 is doing commercials

Not even sure what you're talking about


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