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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: how much more effective can you get than iTunes and amazon mp3?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2650942&mesg_id=2652464
2652464, RE: how much more effective can you get than iTunes and amazon mp3?
Posted by stone_phalanges, Tue Jan-24-12 10:00 AM
The problem is that this is a new era, effective digital distribution is not the same thing as effective physical distribution. a perfect example is that Steve Jobs had the hardest time convincing record labels to let him sell the tracks on the albums individually. They were stuck in the mindset that albums must be sold as one chunk or it doesn't work. Now it's taken for granted that that works better than making people pay for songs they don't really want.

The digital locker was a great addition to digital distribution and that is what finally got me to buy music online instead of in the store. this way your music is backed up indefinitely and accessible/downloadable from any internet connected device. New ideas like these are what they need not to try to tear down legitimate businesses, even if those businesses have the potential for abuse.

If people are making bootleg CDs you don't ban the sale of CDs, or shut down best buy.