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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjecti feel redeemed
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2605317&mesg_id=2687087
2687087, i feel redeemed
Posted by imcvspl, Tue Apr-17-12 09:10 AM
>see that the "gimmick" is what makes it so great and inspired
>some of her best work, even if it's filtered through

quick aside. I find it interesting that it was viewed as a gimmick. for me it seems this is practically Tori's M.O. Character writing tale like songs. What changed with this album and later is that she started 'selling' the underlying story rather than just letting them stand. *shrug*

>there is such depth on this album.

Isn't there though.

>i mentioned
>before my routine listening to albums for the first time,
>particularly ones i buy that have lyric booklets. besides
>following along with the lyrics, the map illustrating what
>part of the country each song corresponds to and listening to
>the album as the story of a girl's road trip (and emotional
>journey) got me hooked immediately.

this is one of the few CD's who's packaging I really delved into.

> i just completely "got"
>what she was conveying about naivite, desperation, youth,
>freedom, being taken advantage of, self-expression,


>still, i doubt i will come to appreciate the subsequent albums
>as much.

They aren't as good.