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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectCan we talk DJ Muggs for a second?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3008148&mesg_id=3008148
3008148, Can we talk DJ Muggs for a second?
Posted by High Society, Thu Aug-16-18 01:23 AM
Man - he’s crushing this year.
First he cooked up another another album for Meyhem Lauren.
Late last year they dropped Gems from the Equinox.
It was alright.
Honestly I thought Meyhem Lauren was just average.
But a couple months ago they dropped another album, Frozen Angels.
And this time Lauren really came with it!

Champion Style, Stockbroker (a popular sample but ill),
Staircase Money, Frozen Angels, Kick Rocks,
Pyschedelic Rock are all dope. 8 songs in and out.

The production on this one has a slight Roc Marciano
feel to me. Dope samples and for the most part, that
understated drum thing that Roc does, Griselda and Darringer do.

But a lot of the samples have a rock band, stadium level energy to them.
Album sounds alive and challenges Meyhem Lauren to match.
I think he does. It’s got a great throwback golden era feel to it.
Check it out if you can. Fast forward to today.

We’ve got another offering from DJ Muggs.
He’s back with his own producer LP, Dia Del Asesinato.

He’s got a mix of new and old rhyming over the production,
MF DOOM and Freddie Gibbs have a joint.
DOOM has a joint with G Rap.
IE (the 2 songs a lot of us have heard already — probably)
Death Wish by MF DOOM and Freddie Gibbs, who is also on fire right now.
Assassination Day by DOOM and G Rap, who kills no pun.
I wasn’t feeling the slowness of DOOM’s shit the first couple listens.
But now I’m loving them.
If the production was higher bpms, he would spit faster.
But that’s not what Muggs envisioned for him
and I’m trusting the producer in this case.

Oh and go find the video for Assassination Day, it’s on YouTube.
It’s fucking cool hahahaha.

Meyhem Lauren’s got another spot with Raekwon.
Raekwon has a serious solo cut, Yacht Party,
gives me a Flawless Crowns vibe kind of - or something from that era of Rae.

Reminiscent of the Frozen Angels project by Meyhem, a lot of guitar on the album.
Wally Face has a bit of an electro feel.
Kind of reminds of single off SBTRKT’s 2nd album.
Duck Sauce is banging. The beat has got this real nervous energy to it.

And then we’ve also got 2 songs by OKP favorite, Mach Hommy!!
Blue Horseshoes is a straight up grimey rap joint.
Mach blends the new with the old for the hook.
I imagine Muggs wanted the vocal filter Mach’s using.
Gives the song a pretty dirty sound, goes well with the beat.
Their next collaboration on the album is Contagion Theory.
Mach is doing some singing on this one. The beat is more relaxed.
It’s one of the only beats on the album thats allowed to breathe,
that isn’t chaotic and pressure packed.

A lot of the album has an apocalyptic texture to it sonically.
Muggs has been around a long time.
He’s given us Cypress Hill and showed Alchemist the ropes.

Man - the Mobb Deep, Wu, DITC, Pun, mid 90s NY era rap scene
is alive and well in 2018 if you know where to look.
There’s Griselda, Mach Hommy, Hus Kingpin, Roc, Meyhem Lauren,
Alchemist seems to be on a 4th or 5th wave.
(Alchemist: Mobb shit, go to early 2000s producer, LA shit with OH-NO,
and now great EPs, instrumental albums and EPs)

Muggs is def a part of this new NY scene and I’m loving it.