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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectSaw her Friday Night in Philly at the Troc
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2983449&mesg_id=2985555
2985555, Saw her Friday Night in Philly at the Troc
Posted by , Mon Mar-13-17 12:06 PM
She was lovely. Full of life and soul, great music, concert went by way too quick. Always a good sign of an artist.

That said, some Dylan lookin cat opened for her, bluegrass singer/songwriter type. I was like, word, this cat must be from Tennessee as well.... had that look and feel and sound. Then he announced he was from Brooklyn. ..... eh. His music wasn't as good after he admitted that. I know, fucked up to discriminate... I'm just just over the over-abundance of brooklyn artists. This cat literally started talking about how much more expensive it is to live in brooklyn than philly. FOH with that shit.