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Topic subjectSee Bjork Talk Utopian New Album Inspiration as Live Avatar - RS swipe
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2972278, See Bjork Talk Utopian New Album Inspiration as Live Avatar - RS swipe
Posted by c71, Thu Sep-01-16 02:55 PM

See Bjork Talk Utopian New Album Inspiration as Live Avatar

"I think it's important to be determined about the light, to be intentional about it," she says


By Althea Legaspi

Björk appeared as a live avatar for a press conference during a preview for her Björk Digital exhibit at London's Somerset House on Wednesday. The feat was accomplished with the use of live motion capture technology and was rendered in real time using a Unity 3D game engine.

While in her native Reykjavík, Iceland, Björk wore an XSens inertial motion capture suit, which then streamed data to a computer running 3D character animation software in London where her avatar appeared.

In a clip from the press Q&A, she was asked about her thoughts on utopia, a concept she has said will be more representative of her next album versus the darker Vulnicura.

Her avatar gave the appearance of an ethereal, colorful nymph, who mirrored her movements as she answered. During the Q&A she said both pessimists and utopians have valid points to make, but the former end up "actually attracting a lot of dark stuff and surrounding themselves with a lot of black mud in every sense of the word." Meanwhile, the optimists and utopians have "a little bit more chance, if you focus on the light, after a while all the seeds you've sown have become plants that you might be surrounded by fertility and light."

"I think it's important to be determined about the light, to be intentional about it. I think I'm a little bit like that," she said.

The traveling, interactive Björk Digital exhibit features several VR videos of songs from Vulnicura. It premiered in Sydney, Australia before its run in Tokyo, Japan. The exhibit will be at Somerset House from September 1st through October 23rd.