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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectWhich artists today are making the most “timeless” music?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2943138&mesg_id=2943138
2943138, Which artists today are making the most “timeless” music?
Posted by cheesecake, Thu Sep-03-15 04:16 AM
One of the more depressing aspects of music to me is that no matter what, it eventually will no longer be fresh and start to rot, eventually becoming outdated. With the rise of trap and EDM, I've become more curious about what will have lasting power and what won't.

This is a two part question; first, what defines “timeless” music? Second, what artists today do you think are making what would be considered as “timeless"? In rap as well as any other genre.

Also, what artists in the past do you think has made the most timeless music?