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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectTo be as successful as De La, you've got to lay the groundwork
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2935230&mesg_id=2935234
2935234, To be as successful as De La, you've got to lay the groundwork
Posted by mrhood75, Mon Jun-15-15 04:40 PM
It wasn't like they just popped up and said, "Hey, remember us for the late '80s and '90s? Well, now we're trying to do a new album! So give us money!"

De La released albums through the '00s, toured constantly, made guest appearances on other cat's records, then gave away their back cataloge for free. They took the time to build the good will, then asked people to fund their project. You can't just skip all the other steps and expect your old fans to just kick in the money.

From what I understand, Special Ed also tried this. He skipped straight to the part where he gave away his back cataloge then tried to ask for $100,000 for a new album; he got less than $4,000 before cancelling the whole thing.